Too Much Power for Chris Christie

        Chris Christie has too much power, and seems to be ok with blaming others for internal issues. From Traffic jams to attempting to be little opposition voters, it's time  for Mr. Christie to go. With a huge scandal tarnishing his current political circle, what does Chris do? He plays the blame game. Repeatedly this week he blamed everyone but him self. He must have apologized 35 times in one press conference I was able to watch, where miss trust and lack of knowledge seemed to be the issues at hand. I say that's a bunch of B.S. Chris is known for his extreme political tactics, and not playing fair. As a governor of a state shouldn't you be aware of the issues in your own office? How can you even be considered competent enough to run a state if you cant seem to control your own office? Then to state that the mayor of the town affected, Mayor Mark Sokolich wasn't even on your map? Excuse me but in my opinion you 'be on anyone's map if you don't know the mayors elected to run smaller increments of a state that elected you to run it?

    My opinion is simple, Chris needs to be more assertive and take responsibility for his inability to surround himself with positive people, that is if it wasn't him whom set the whole thing up. This marks the first major political career crash of 2014. I cant wait to see the outcome of this one!