Civil Unions

          As a happily straight man I find myself constantly pondering over the idea of civil unions. Why is it that we fight the ability for two people in love to be placed together in  non religious matrimony? Why are we as people so judgmental? This is due to our years of being raised that being gay is what most consider a sin,bad, a more than despicable cause, but my question is why? Who told you this. Where did we come up with this uncommon belief that the gay community is out to get us? We have people trying to attack our country, destroy our troops, and were worried that  gay couple might want equal rights?

     On this issue I feel we as a people if following our constitution should allow a gay couple to marry just as a common straight couple. It's only fair and constitutionally correct. The separation of church and state often aren't as they should be. Instead the media, and the religious sector push hate adds and powerful messages to the politicians to block the inevitable. 100 years form now I foresee this issue being much different than now, but today it's a gut wrenching topic that's almost taboo.  Unless it effects you personally though, why do you care anyway? I say its another issue we should have gotten over many years ago. Let them be, give them equal rights!