8 Million to be spent in Anti Rauner campaign

              Democrats, and union bosses are planning to fund a committee around 8 million dollars to attempt to push votes away from Bruce Rauner. In the last week Bruce has lost ratings with his flip flop sort of speaking, but hoping the fact so many career politicians want him gone, will boost his ratings once again. Mister Rauner a millionaire retired business man, whom may very well fund millions into his own TV add campaign. With much political heat under way were are stuck wondering what may happen, With 61.9% of voters disapproving of Governor Quinn, were stuck in an all out candidate war.

Article written by  By: Brandon Harris
          You have Dan Ruthaford (R) , Mark Kirk (R), and Bill Brady (R) whom are all also large candidates in the race. Right now Mark Kirk is looking the most promising candidate to be running against Governor Quinn in the fall.   Both candidates have a strong political backing, but Quinn whom has been in the negative eye of the press with the 67% tax hike, along with pension reform, and other various issues may have to come to terms with and end of his governor status this season if faced with Mark Kirk. Not only is Kirk a strong candidate, but he also packs a mean punch as he is well liked widely across Illinois. A very poplar choice to vote for. almost too good to be true; Our current Governor Mr. Pat
        Bruce Rauner (R) candidatefor Governor 

            Quinn has some opposition coming his way at the moment. But with Bruce Rauner under attack  from Unions, and Democrats unfortunately it seem he may fall out of the race completely.  13.2% of voters, vote based off of TV adds. This number is large enough to leave a huge hole in the Rauner campaign. If so we are laying our predictions on a 54% Kirk to 46% Quinn vote in November.  

        Mark Kirk (R) candidate for governor