FEMA falling the people of Illinois

         F.E.M.A has refused cries for help from tornado victims in Washington, IL. This past November we all sat and watched, those of us from Illinois in fear for our family's and friends. As the day went on tornado report after report rolled in. At the end of it numerous areas were declared disaster areas.  Never once did we hear Mr. Obama a president from Illinois say a word. Nor did we hear from and or see F.E.M.A. Now refusing to help the family's hurt in the storm, the last hope for the under-fire Governor Pat Quinn is the harsh winter weather. Hoping this weather may help him persuade F.E.M.A to come help the family's of the storm. Were with you on this one Pat. We see money spent all over the world by our country to help others. Now we here in Illinois have an issue at home and only the locals to help? Is this not a backwards way of helping your own people? Were also wondering where our dear Mr. Obama is to help on this situation, as he is an Illinois man after all. No where to be found on this issue is the answer so far!

      The storm that hit Illinois in November has topped $1 Billion dollars and is still rising. In this type of disaster We shouldn't even have to ask for the help of F.E.M.A, but we did and they refused. This saddens me as a person to think our national disaster relief support system is yet again falling the people in our country whom need them. Even more funny is the fact that Illinois tax payers money goes to F.E.M.A as well as other states tax payers. So we pay for a Federal relief program that wont help us. I find that a bit disturbing.
Tornado Damage in Washington, IL