Chicago politics out of control

Alderman Emma Mitt's 
 The current Chicago political situation is horrible.  As a community the fear instilled in voters, and residence is closer to terrorism than most other situations.  Politicians intimidating locals and nearly forcing voters to follow in their path. How can these people do such things to their residence.  From the 19th Ward to the mayoral race and more. Over the years we have seen things continually go from great to horrible. The powers at be, behind a lot of the struggle. Why now more so than ever? Because there is a lot at stake. The current mayor is looking at a run off , as well as quite a few other Alderman as well!!

                As I drove through Chicago today one ward really stood out. Emma Mitt's ward was in shambles.  I truly was disgusted with her signs all over. Even one with trash all over the place. It disturbed me a lot. I know it takes a community to care for a community but really true leadership starts somewhere.  How can you expect to lead a community and you cant even care for it? This really get's under my skin.  I feel as a leader you lead by example, like community clean up day's? Or grafatti removal week? Or how about focusing more time on youth and less on red light cameras? Did you know that if you took all the money spent on red light cameras and broke it down to youth in Chicago there wouldn't be a single hungry child in Chicago? Does this not bother you? If not you may just be heartless. We need real leadership, not thieves whom are out to spend our hard earned money.  Why is it that these alderman pocket so much, and become so imbedded in our community?


   The leaders really need to step their game up for their whole term, not just for RE - Election? Why does this style of games work? Why do we allow people to conduct business as usual? We need to for once take a stand. We as a state ousted a governor, now let's oust some of the current thugs in office.