Interview with Susan Sandoval candidate for Chicago's 35th Ward

What would you do to better the ward if elected alderwoman?

I have already started working with community leaders.I feel we need a tighter community, and that we should focus in on education, and jobs. We do not have a high school, and could use a way to make this possible. I also feel we need to build a chamber of commerce, building a tighter network of business would result in a a more fluent local economy.

How do citizens get in contact with you?

Twitter and facebook. I am also always available within the community as well!

What street related issues do you feel can be impacted this election cycle?

Parking meter situation, and meters. We all know the city can be expensive, and there are better ways to deal with these issues.

How do you plan to work with the business in your area?

 I plan to work closer with small business owners.  I recently attended the metropolitan council meeting and almost everywhere there seems to be need for changes. While attending the meeting I  loved hearing from residence,I also feel if we work on the affordability of living in the city, we can in turn help grow the local economy.

What is your educational  background?

 I have worked in Non profit management most of my adult life. I  studied accounting at DePaul University and worked in non profit for years and also worked in a family owned business. I have also been engaged with local and national issues.

I served nationally for the head-start association for 5 years. I had an opportunity to engage my constituents within the city and state! I made sure to maximized the use of the programs within their budgets . 

How do you feel you can help put a stop to the violence in the city of Chicago?

About 4 years ago I began working with an interfaith coalition, I feel that working tirelessly with the community and pre-existing organizations,we can implement and carry out clearer and better plans to cease the violence in our community. 

Where do you stand on the city's budget?

I had fiduciary over look over one of the city's grants, I feel some of the tiff funds be re allocated into the school systems. I feel we need to bridge the gap between schools and park boards. As well as the fair amount of non profit efforts on tiff funding, and use of public land and creating more green spaces for folks as well as finding affordable opportunity for family's to enjoy city and it.

What other public positions have you held?

I served on park advisory council, and many other council, I worked with over 17,000 children whom received head start and I oversaw  all needs and grants. 

What opportunity do you see if elected alderwoman?

A lot of opportunity to cause change, betterment over the city over all. Usher in an era of new public service. Our community is well past due for a real leader. 

What have been your campaigning struggle?

We have a very embedded electoral system and that the system over protects incumbents. I first noticed this when serving on the local school council. If elected I plan to insure were instituting a transparent system, I was raised on the South East side my father is a retired still worker of 46 years. I had the opportunity to see the world. Now as a single mother i have seen and lived through hard times.  I feel we have an uphill battle but spending time and energy where you live is essential. 

Spending the time and having a hard skill set are necessary, and having a transparency in the office is a massive need in the city! I would be blessed and honored to serve in the ward, and add more engaging and transparency. Certified grant writer so I do understand the fiscal responsibility.

Important fact that should be known?

Being a single parent and having the understanding of limited resources and the willingness a citizen of the entire city, and track record speaks for it's self, and the willingness to sit with constituents and create organizations. Were hoping to bring the alder-manic office into a community center. Background in work force development, and community development into the city. Making sure we have the business cared for while providing jobs to citizens. Also being familiar with what our office does. writer, certified grant writer and fiscal responsibility just hope to make the 35th ward a better place to live in. all age demographics and hoping to build the network and better the community and an understanding of where their tax dollars are.