Bob O'Dekirk calls for cooperation with the Rialto

Joliet- Joliet City Councilman and Mayoral candidate Bob O'Dekirk is calling for increased cooperation between the Rialto Theater board and groups who have vocally opposed the proposed marquee.
"In all of the meetings I have attended I saw that both sides of the issue seemed to share one thing in common-a real love for the Rialto Theater,” explained O’Dekirk.
O'Dekirk said that he has been dismayed at criticism leveled at both Ed Czerkies, who donated money to cover the cost of the marquee project, and various community members who opposed the new marquee.
"I really don't think anyone did anything wrong here. I think Mr. Czerkies showed tremendous benevolence in considering giving $350,000 to the Rialto Theater,” said O’DeKirk, “at the same time, citizens of Joliet opposed to the marquee have the right to voice their opinions and ask for transparency from their government."
O'Dekirk voiced hope that something positive can come from the weeks of controversy which have surrounded this issue. Recent developments have left the marquee project without funding.
"The opponents of the proposed marquee have said repeatedly that they believe they could raise money to offset what was pledged,” he said, “I would like to give them the opportunity to do so. Let's bring these individuals into the tent and work with them to achieve something everyone can agree on."
O'Dekirk suggested first step would be for Mayor Tom Giarrante to reconsider his rejection of local resident Mary Beth Gannon, who applied to be appointed to a vacant position on the board. O’Dekirk described Gannon’s credentials as impressive and well-suited to the position
“She has shown a passion and love for the theater, and is asking to be part of the governing process,” said O’Dekirk, “It is sad, but not surprising, that Mayor Giarrante chose to reject her application. This is an opportunity to show leadership and bring the community together. I call on the Mayor to put politics aside, for once, and do the right thing for our community."
Additionally, O'Dekirk pledged to follow up on claims that local businesses were kept out of the bidding process to build the proposed sign.
"The Rialto Theater receives hundreds of thousands of dollars from Joliet taxpayers every year. The Theater should do all it can to insure that this money is reinvested in our community. If these claims are true, the council needs to take action."