Chevron and Exxon spend $400,000 to protect their oil laws and regulations in Alaska

       Chevron, and Exxon spend roughly $400,000 dollars to help support a group known as "vote no on one". This group was founded to help stop a tax referendum would repeal Gov. Sean Parnell's oil tax giveaway to big oil industry. The current system, caps the tax rate at 35% per barrel, and allows for tax cut's when prices are high. It only seems to par that these company's would go to war to ensure no changes were made to the current legislation. I think it only fair that a law be put in place that caps the amount of money they can spend defending their industrial wants. I see it that by allowing these company's to shovel large amounts of  cash into causes they more than likely set up there is no winning. How is it that a business can now control the common voter by fraudulently funding causes that only in the end allow them to grow to be massive giants. Where is the common ground for the common man. It's virtually in -existent. Rather we allow this to continue only hoping there may one day be a change made to make a real difference.