The president speaks on Marijuana federal regulations.

      With the proven fact's that marijuana is up to 58% less harmful than alcohol, and changing law's all over the United States, our president has finally put his two cent's in. Speaking publicly stating that marijuana law's are to strict and that only the poor go to jail on marijuana charges. This may be the first step by a US president since the ban on marijuana almost 100 years ago. What does this mean for the daily smoker? Nothing yet. But this could lead to a bigger movement. Illinois just passed their medical marijuana law, with Pennsylvania right behind them. This could be an economic god send over the next decade. With the tax revenue in Colarado making a huge impact on the recession recovery we may be looking at the next big cash crop to revive the United states. Although there are skeptics, over 51% of our country has admitted to using marijuana. I personally feel we could cut to the chase, make it a legal substance for recreational use and quit fretting the small issues. Here in our country we are loosing more and more teen's everyday and we still fret about marijuana?
      More heat for NJ governor Chris Christie this week. With the federal government looking into his political tactics and more issues coming from his political scandal. As anyone could expect Chris has a lot to answer for in the up coming months. As the case begins to unravel now new reports of withholding money from a town until they signed onto the governors bill are coming out.

8 Million to be spent in Anti Rauner campaign

              Democrats, and union bosses are planning to fund a committee around 8 million dollars to attempt to push votes away from Bruce Rauner. In the last week Bruce has lost ratings with his flip flop sort of speaking, but hoping the fact so many career politicians want him gone, will boost his ratings once again. Mister Rauner a millionaire retired business man, whom may very well fund millions into his own TV add campaign. With much political heat under way were are stuck wondering what may happen, With 61.9% of voters disapproving of Governor Quinn, were stuck in an all out candidate war.

Article written by  By: Brandon Harris
          You have Dan Ruthaford (R) , Mark Kirk (R), and Bill Brady (R) whom are all also large candidates in the race. Right now Mark Kirk is looking the most promising candidate to be running against Governor Quinn in the fall.   Both candidates have a strong political backing, but Quinn whom has been in the negative eye of the press with the 67% tax hike, along with pension reform, and other various issues may have to come to terms with and end of his governor status this season if faced with Mark Kirk. Not only is Kirk a strong candidate, but he also packs a mean punch as he is well liked widely across Illinois. A very poplar choice to vote for. almost too good to be true; Our current Governor Mr. Pat
        Bruce Rauner (R) candidatefor Governor 

            Quinn has some opposition coming his way at the moment. But with Bruce Rauner under attack  from Unions, and Democrats unfortunately it seem he may fall out of the race completely.  13.2% of voters, vote based off of TV adds. This number is large enough to leave a huge hole in the Rauner campaign. If so we are laying our predictions on a 54% Kirk to 46% Quinn vote in November.  

        Mark Kirk (R) candidate for governor

Medical Marijuana Legal in Illinois

        As of January 1st, medical marijuana became legal in Illinois. Some feel this is a way to help pot smokers simply add insult to injury. In the past 10 years we have seen huge growing support for medical, and recreational marijuana. From Colorado to California, and now Illinois medical marijuana is being widely accepted as away to treat numerous medical conditions. What does the general public think about this issue? Over 55% think it should be medically legal, and 40% agree with recreational legalizing the product as well! Chicago has set strict stipulations on where and how medical marijuana can be dispensed and grown.

Ron Unz says a minimum wage jump for California a great idea?

   Ron Unz, a registered Republican from California, thinks raising minimum wage to $12.00 is a way to boost the economy. Ron a millionaire and former candidate for governor showed his support this week for the state wider raise, and the national raise to $10.00 an hour. A raise in minimum wage for millions would be great, more money coming in would defiantly help with a rescission just finally ending. But what we don't see or thin about is the fact of the matter. With raising minimum wage also comes consequence. Prices of everyday suck as Milk, Tobacco, food, clothing, rent and more raise as well. If there were a way to cap market prices and raise minimum wage that would be what I would consider an amazing economic stimulate, but that will never happen. So as it sounds like a great idea, this could cause more con's than pro's.
Ron Unz

Eric Wallace up for 2nd Congressional again?

          Eric Wallace, a Doctor out of the Chicago land area has decided to run again for the seat, loosing last election to Paul Mckinley in a land slide primary, Eric now plans to run and win against the Democratic Robbin Kelly. With a new campaign, and a new season, it's a long shot. Robbin Kelly was the hand picked candidate from last election, appointed and groomed by the "Chicago Machine" whom had help from as far East as the New York City's Mayor Bloomberg, whom funded anti Halverson campaign, accusing her of pretty much being all but a Republican.

         Wallace will have his hands full, if he hopes to have a chance against the Democratic incumbent in the general election, he will need both campaign support and financing that a (R) candidate has not seen in the 2nd congressional district in well over two decades. We can only ponder as to how he may attempt to concur this almost impossible battle right in the heart of Chicago term oil.  The last two people to hold this seat prior to Robbin Kelly, being Congressman Jesse Jackson (D), and Congressman Mel Reynolds (D), both of whom lost the position after convictions, on criminal charges.

Will County Sheriff candidate Steve Egan in the lead

      With the primary elections well on their way, Will County's LT. Steve Egan is in the lead. Poll's show Egan running through his competitors. Steve a veteran of the Will County police force has a message for drug traffickers, he will find you. Egan anounced his new plan to stop the Heroin epidemic in Will County, which involves a three pronged program, including hit men, no not killers, rather officers sent out to help bring a stop to an issue that has been haunting Will County for years. With Egan as sheriff there could be a lot of good brought to Will County, and a lot of lives saved. Mike Alexander age 47, a 33 year citizen of Will County stated Saturday, that "Egan may have it, were tired of seeing our neighborhoods fall apart, and worrying what our children might come in contact with". We can only agree with Mike.

     Steve Egan has an impeccable record as a law enforcement officer, and is well deserving of this position. "As a citizen and  father I hope to see him elected in November" stated Mike Alexander. As the season roll's on we will keep a close eye on the man whom could very well be the next sheriff of Will County. This election may very well also lead to the end of the "Kaupus Nepotism" era of Will County. With the current sheriff retiring, we may start to see the long line of family members in the Will County sheriff's office dwindle away and see some new faces replacing the Kaupus family.
LT. Steve Egan ( Candidate for Sheriff Will County, IL 2014) 

Pot hole problems all over us

     With the recent deep freeze, there are pot holes all over the United States. Illinois, Indiana and many other states reporting massive pot hole issues. In the last two day's Chicago street workers have filled over 18,000 pot holes, and are still going. The deep freeze caused many more issues than the average person expected. From power outages, death, and flooding, now pot holes this winter weather and deep freeze is still effecting us. Keep your eyes pealed, and your speed contained over the next few days as city workers all over the country work to close those pot holes in your area.

          So as the president continues to inflate his numbers, and fail with his website were left to wonder what changes we will see in 2014. So far sky rocketing premiums and failed attempts to set actual dates for payments are among some of the issues we have seen. Again they blame the contractors, and the team whom built the site, but how can you expect anyone to work under such pressure? From country music, to conservative talk shows the Obama care program has seemed more of a joke than a new health care law. With endless amounts of failure and extremely high premiums, what can we expect next? Pretty soon this new law will require rfid's ( microchips) and much more some are saying. I personally foresee many complications such as a tax penalty for people whom cant afford health care.  This in my opinion is no solution at all to the crises. Yes the medical market is ridiculous, the industry is well overcharging and out of its realm, but at the same point forcing the people to add another expense when some cant even afford a phone bill is not the answer. There has got to be a happy medium here somewhere. The question lies as to where that happy medium may be, and will it ever be put into effect.

Illegal Imigrants

         All over the United States illegal immigrants exist. Now as a country yet again this issue is in term oil.  States like California spend 10.5 Billion dollars a year in human services for illegal immigrants. While not paying taxes, and living off of tax payers, we continue to allow accept and sometimes even support illegal immigration. Our country continues to debate what to do about this issue. Deportation seemingly only working as a band aid for a much bigger issue. How do we manage a population 11.1 Million Illegal aliens? The best solution in my mind, continue mass deportation, and strengthen boarders. Also allow for stricter penalty's for company's hiring illegals, while working to make a speedier system to make a person a citizen. Illegals have no precedence in this Country no matter where they migrate from, they are an economic drain on our current tax paying citizens, whom don't receive any benefits for doing something wrong.

       All of us migrated from somewhere, but we all had to do it the right way. How is it fair that these undocumented immigrants come to the United States and continue to live off of our dollar, and work our jobs for less. This inability to ensure a change is made is leading our country to continue to be walked on, and shows we have no backbone when it comes to strict guidelines for these immigrants to follow. I am in no way against someone becoming a citizen, but in my eyes I say do it the right way. File your papers and work your way in just like us Americans have to work to ensure you get health care and medicine when you are here illegally. I feel that it's only a fir solution to the current crisis we face here in America!

FEMA falling the people of Illinois

         F.E.M.A has refused cries for help from tornado victims in Washington, IL. This past November we all sat and watched, those of us from Illinois in fear for our family's and friends. As the day went on tornado report after report rolled in. At the end of it numerous areas were declared disaster areas.  Never once did we hear Mr. Obama a president from Illinois say a word. Nor did we hear from and or see F.E.M.A. Now refusing to help the family's hurt in the storm, the last hope for the under-fire Governor Pat Quinn is the harsh winter weather. Hoping this weather may help him persuade F.E.M.A to come help the family's of the storm. Were with you on this one Pat. We see money spent all over the world by our country to help others. Now we here in Illinois have an issue at home and only the locals to help? Is this not a backwards way of helping your own people? Were also wondering where our dear Mr. Obama is to help on this situation, as he is an Illinois man after all. No where to be found on this issue is the answer so far!

      The storm that hit Illinois in November has topped $1 Billion dollars and is still rising. In this type of disaster We shouldn't even have to ask for the help of F.E.M.A, but we did and they refused. This saddens me as a person to think our national disaster relief support system is yet again falling the people in our country whom need them. Even more funny is the fact that Illinois tax payers money goes to F.E.M.A as well as other states tax payers. So we pay for a Federal relief program that wont help us. I find that a bit disturbing.
Tornado Damage in Washington, IL 

Steven Seagal for governor of Alabama

           Waite did I hear this right. First Arnold in California, then Steven Seagal. Yes that's rights reports have stated Mr. Segaul is considering a run for Governor. I find it quite interesting that now the successful road to running for a political office is being a movie star. So let's see our political check list, 1.) Go to Hollywood, 2.) Become a star, 3.) Run for office. What is our country coming to is my real question? I say we might as well run Eminem for mayor of Detroit and call it a day people. Keep entertainment and legislation separate. If we continue to push for more fame in office we will be lowering the competence of our society.

Chevron and Exxon spend $400,000 to protect their oil laws and regulations in Alaska

       Chevron, and Exxon spend roughly $400,000 dollars to help support a group known as "vote no on one". This group was founded to help stop a tax referendum would repeal Gov. Sean Parnell's oil tax giveaway to big oil industry. The current system, caps the tax rate at 35% per barrel, and allows for tax cut's when prices are high. It only seems to par that these company's would go to war to ensure no changes were made to the current legislation. I think it only fair that a law be put in place that caps the amount of money they can spend defending their industrial wants. I see it that by allowing these company's to shovel large amounts of  cash into causes they more than likely set up there is no winning. How is it that a business can now control the common voter by fraudulently funding causes that only in the end allow them to grow to be massive giants. Where is the common ground for the common man. It's virtually in -existent. Rather we allow this to continue only hoping there may one day be a change made to make a real difference.  

Uh oh Bruce Rauner

         When I began to sift through all of the political candidates for Governor of my great home state, Illinois. I noticed about 5 names I knew way to well, and one I did not know at all. This candidate was a private business man, whom had had great success before retiring in October 2012. As a young educated voter, I began to dig into Bruce, and was very happy to see him challenge common business ethics, and the Unions. One of the biggest issues we have in our state is the Union bosses, and the Chicago machine.  This guy seemed to be the golden boy and the one I would probably be casting my vote for, until his flip flop.

          This week it was made public information that Bruce pulled the classic "Flip Flop". Yes were all familiar with it, I'll say one thing to make you happy, and another to make the neighbor happy. But in the political realm this show instability and the inability to stand firm on a decision and or choice.  Although being the guy I was all behind, now I'm second guessing Bruce. As a candidate he is self funded, which I find admirable. His platform, Jobs, Education, taxes, pension reform, Government reform, and spending seem great, but will that flip flop too? We will see in the coming weeks as the primary's near.
                                                                         Bruce Rauner

                                               Republican Candidate for Governor of Illinois.

Destruction of the Constitution

          As a person of little faith in our current administration, and even less faith in the prior administration, I question the future of my kids even knowing what a constitution is. Since Oboma took office in 2008 the United States has been at war within its own boarders. The politicians against the people. With very little being done by the Elected officials, one of the major issues has been the constitution. Every other day I see more and more everyday citizens opening their eyes to the demise of the constitution. In 2013 Edward Snowden had to flea the country after telling the US people the truth about it's own government spying on the people. This is very Un - constitutional. Instead of charges being brought against the government and the NSA for opening quite a few large bags of worms, we chase the man whom spoke up. I find this very sad that we as people are only upset for a few minutes, or an hour. As a people we are born into a FREE country. A land where opportunity is plentiful, but by taking these rights and freedoms away, then where is the point to a free country. As a citizen I feel the government should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for invasion of privacy, and all guilty party's be put on trial for infringing upon American freedoms.

        This is not constitutionally correct. I feel that all of what the constitution was based on still should apply today. Why do we sit back and allow these bureaucrats to cut and chop at what our rights and freedoms should be as they so choose. In America today there arent enough people whom will stand up for what this country was founded on. Instead were worried what Kim K, and The Walking Dead have for us next. I'm in no way stating that TV on your free time is bad, again another freedom. What would we do if they made TV constitutionally Illegal?  Then America would sa something, but until that day I see our constitution and freedoms continuing to fall slowly apart as we ground ourselves in current TV shows and the thing in life that do not last!

Too Much Power for Chris Christie

        Chris Christie has too much power, and seems to be ok with blaming others for internal issues. From Traffic jams to attempting to be little opposition voters, it's time  for Mr. Christie to go. With a huge scandal tarnishing his current political circle, what does Chris do? He plays the blame game. Repeatedly this week he blamed everyone but him self. He must have apologized 35 times in one press conference I was able to watch, where miss trust and lack of knowledge seemed to be the issues at hand. I say that's a bunch of B.S. Chris is known for his extreme political tactics, and not playing fair. As a governor of a state shouldn't you be aware of the issues in your own office? How can you even be considered competent enough to run a state if you cant seem to control your own office? Then to state that the mayor of the town affected, Mayor Mark Sokolich wasn't even on your map? Excuse me but in my opinion you 'be on anyone's map if you don't know the mayors elected to run smaller increments of a state that elected you to run it?

    My opinion is simple, Chris needs to be more assertive and take responsibility for his inability to surround himself with positive people, that is if it wasn't him whom set the whole thing up. This marks the first major political career crash of 2014. I cant wait to see the outcome of this one!


Civil Unions

          As a happily straight man I find myself constantly pondering over the idea of civil unions. Why is it that we fight the ability for two people in love to be placed together in  non religious matrimony? Why are we as people so judgmental? This is due to our years of being raised that being gay is what most consider a sin,bad, a more than despicable cause, but my question is why? Who told you this. Where did we come up with this uncommon belief that the gay community is out to get us? We have people trying to attack our country, destroy our troops, and were worried that  gay couple might want equal rights?

     On this issue I feel we as a people if following our constitution should allow a gay couple to marry just as a common straight couple. It's only fair and constitutionally correct. The separation of church and state often aren't as they should be. Instead the media, and the religious sector push hate adds and powerful messages to the politicians to block the inevitable. 100 years form now I foresee this issue being much different than now, but today it's a gut wrenching topic that's almost taboo.  Unless it effects you personally though, why do you care anyway? I say its another issue we should have gotten over many years ago. Let them be, give them equal rights!

Gun Control

      As a young man based in Cook County, IL this is a large issue in our area. Some say guns being allowed to private owners whom pass the background verification and apply the right way is a bad idea. I personally am a conservicrat or better know as a moderate. Guns held by private owners in my opinion is not a major issue. I stand behind citizens owning fire arms legally. At the same point I do not feel you need to carry and or conceal a semi automatic AR - 15. This to me seems to be pushing the envelope quite a bit.

     If we could seem to find an equal ground of measurement in society we may have a lot less issues. Republicans and Democrats alike have taken huge issues over this. As a life long conservicrat their opinions in my opinion only lead to larger fights and larger issues. This is not a political Win or loose. This is a right given to the people by the founding fathers of a country which was once a real America. Today that I am not so sure is the case. I say let the voters decide. Put gun control or freedom on the ballot and allow citizens to vote based on their own beliefs. They are the ones paying you to sit and do nothing as is?