Who will be president in 2016?

So with the presidential race on the way who will win? Well currently in the polls we are seeing a sharp lead still with Clinton and Bush. But the question really is are we ready for either? Both are bought and paid for at this point? We have a system in which candidates can be bought through corperate funding, and both Clinton and Jeb Bush are both part of the establishment so either wahy we are recieving the same deal in my opinion. Either way we go we will not reach an America where we have economical freedom in the next 50 years. Oour nation is so bought and sold the future generations will struggle for many years to come. With conservitaves on one end making promises and liberals on the other.

     So far numbers are showing a tight race between Clinton and Bush if that were to be the run off pair. But there are also thoughts out there that Bush will just be a fundraising tool for the GOP and will be dropped after the race. Either way both familys have had way to much control for far too long. Against popular beliefe of either party the race coming down to another war amongst the two familys would only lead to the same things we a nation have seen for years.  Our predictions would be that Clinton would beat bush by a 3 point lead forcing a re count of votes, but that is still to far in front of us to judge how the primarys might play out.

    All we can say is that in a time of crises our nation needs a non party affiliated leader who can have enough financial backing to not be tied to corperate greed. Our nation is in need of a real change and we will not see it yet again in 2016.