new mayor making big strides

   Joliet - New Mayor Bob O'Dekirk seems to be shaping up the city and getting the job done as promised. As the mayor so far O'Dekirk  has begun making downtown a better place. From structural work completion to pushing for necessary road project's and much more. Bob O'Dekirk has changed the city and the ligst are finally turning on. From working with the community, including pastor posely and the anti violence movement to the rebuilding of joliet, and past due road work. Joliet is changing for the better. We are seeing lights not seen in the past 20 years. joliet is looking healthier and cleaner each and everyday!

         Joliet still has a lot of room to improve but so far the new mayor is making changes and the city is looking forward. With the up coming county elections there could be a lot of change that culd help the mayor along with the city! With 3 and a half mor eyears to go we expexct to see a lot of great things to happen with Bob and the city~!