A twitter Missfire leads to a pre - Mature anoncement of Scott Walkers run for president

A twitter miss fire prematurely puts Scott Walker in the 2016 presidential race. The post read "Scott is in are you?". As it has been looked into Twitter has launched a full investigation. It has come to light that team Walker was not at fault for the early tweet. But it did come a day before his announcement speech Monday. Walker has been a two term Governor in Wisconsin and plans to toss his name in the basket as a contestant for president. Having been known for chasing the Democratic legislators out of the state to avoid a vote on budget cuts in 2011. Fourteen Democrats fled the state and hid in Illinois when walker proposed budget cuts that would effect Union and state employees. Walker could be a huge contender for the Republican party due to his Union backing. Scott Walker has defiantly made quite a stir as Governor. This will make for a crazy GOP year and we were all anticipating this to be the case.