Sanders a threat to Clinton 2016

Bernie Sanders could be a huge issue for Hillary Clinton as his popularity has risen in almost every state. Bernie Sanders has come out of left field bringing head runner Hillary Clinton a true challange for 2016. As it looks now Sanders could quite possibly lead to a political upset for Clinton in her race for president. Hillary Clinton has been a long awated candidate for president by many Americans. But it can also be assumed that Clinton will face the heat from new found Candidate Bbernie Sanders whos suppot has risen since he launched his campaign for office. Bernie is a threat to be taken seriously by the Clinton regime if she wioshes to win the Democratic primary.

         Sanders started his carrer with the Liberty party an anti war movement in 1971 and has continued to move forward with more and more work as time went. Bernie also is the longest standing member of Congress. At 71, Bernie has been oin politics for 44 years and is ready to make the leap of the big seat. Sanders has made history muitiple times as a politician even making moves to impeach  George Bush in 2006.

Bernie has a chance now to beat Hillary Clinton. Her campaign loosing headway since the start. Clinton popular amongst Democrats has been tarnished in the media for lying muitiple times to the voters, and even trying to cover up the attack in Benghazi. This election cycle could prove that Americans are sick of the establishment as Sanders and Trump soar to the top in both partys polls.