Legal marijuana in Illinois?

   Legalizing marijuana in Illinois would be a huge step for our government. Our state is ridden with crime, and we focus millions  of dollars every year fighting marijuana. As prescription drugs are legal, and so are hard  liquor and beer why do we as a state fight to stop marijuana legalizalization. I personally had a sit down the other day with a young adult who works, and contributes to society. She yes like many other Illinoians smokes marijuana. Because she was caught in Illinois with a bowl " Marijuana pipe" sober might I add she is now facing fines and possible jail time. Our nation is slowly curbing it's views on marijuana but many still see it as a huge negative consequences for a personal choice. In a nation based on the prusuit of happieness all Americans should be alotted the freedom to smoke marijuana if they wish to. Marijuana leagalization in Illinois is far from near. With a new Republican Govonor we may not see this for another 20 years. I for one feel we as a state are lacking the ability to make much nessary economical changes. Being one of the worst states in the nation we should be opening up to the idea of such changes, and making strides as a community to better our surroundings. Could you imagine our unemployment rate at 2%? I could see this as a strong possiblity with certain changes being made.

       We as a state should allow Colarado to be used as an example of what we as a people can do to make changes within. Colarado has proven this can work,  Not only seeing a decreas in teen use of the plant but also fiscally pulling out of the economic crises at lightning speeds. With over $11 million brought in just in June state wide and over $200 million since its legalization. Marijusna is proving to be a cash crop that can change our nation, state by state. I truly feel Mr. Bruce Rauner and Mr. Mike Madigan really need to have a conversation over a glass of wine and talk this through. This could change Illinois and really put our state on the map to a quick positive rebuild. Witha failing budget and our economic status embarrasing to say the least, we could use all the help we can get.

     With over 57,758 arrest in 2012 for posession and or paraphanilia and 1 out of every 3 people in illinois admittly using marijuana recreationally we could very well be onto a new stream of taxes and jobs for the citizens of Illinois. Colarado has already reached 10,500 new jobs since their legalization. What a concept right? Real job creation instead of bringing in more warehouses for our citizens to burn themselves out at? I would hope or politicians would listen. Illinois does have a few active groups pushing for a ballot innitiave for 2016 but its a long road before we see any real changes in our state!