Illinois spends the equivelant of 7 school budgets to jail Marijuana users

In 2011 there were over 57,758 marijuana related arrest in Illinois. Did you know that that turns into 224,000 court dates, and cost the tax payers between $33 - $38 million dollars a year? With a lack of funding for education, and a falling state budget crises we as a state are spending the equivalent of 8 public school budgets to simply jail and harass non violent offenders in Illinois. Marijuana which is now legal in 4 states and being de-criminalized across the nation is still being thrown in the faces of Illinois residents. As a state we spend more money on non violent offenders than we do on the homeless. Our state is failing and neither major part has the ability or heart to fight this cause.

     Marijuana has proven to be a cash crop in states like Colorado and Washington, and its even legal in our nations capital but as usual our states legislators are failing our people once again. As a state legalizing marijuana could completely fund a rebirth to our states education system. As for the sappy excuse that legalization will lead to more teen use, that is not true. It has been proven in Colorado that teen use decreases as well our state budget would increase. Not only that but our state would save upwards of $40 million dollars a year in court fees and jail cost. Our state would be in much better share within only 2 years. Sadly we would rather fight about Madigan and Rauner, and the lack to come to terms on a budget.  Meanwhile the everyday resident of our state is either moving out of state, or losing more and more tax money everyday.

     The current state of Illinois marijuana reform is in shambles. There is a group pushing for a 2018 ballot innovative, Growth For Illinois has put a foot forward in the initiative but we can only hope they can reach their goals.  While other states are making leaps and bounds, we as one of the most liberal states in our nation seem to be well behind.


City of Joliet making a rebound?

        Joliet is shaping up. With city officials working together, and the community stepping up, it seems Joliet may be making a much necessary rebound. The city crime ridden, and in shambles for much of the last 20 years, has been in need of a rebuild. With road work underway, and a lot of re- development a once thriving city could be in position for greatness once again. Some of the biggest issues the city faces are coming to light finally, such as the $600,000 a year given to the Rialto and the gang violence. Mayor Bob O'Dekirk has brought a lot to light as well with his transition paper work. Noting a lot of the major concerns in the city was a great first step for mayor O'Dekirk and his transition team. The city seems to be making leaps in bounds in rebuilding.
The city of

      Joliet has seen many ups and downs over the years, and is need of this reform. Joliet residence are now after 20 years seeing a change in pace. With a newly elected mayor the changes being brought to the city are surly changes that will have great impact on our local community. Joliet residence are beginning to notice the changes at hand as well with street projects,and building renovation taking place everywhere. Our city could be seeing a massive shift in the the next 12 months, with more police hired as well we are seeing changes at all levels of local government. Could this truly mean Joliet may once again be a thriving metropolis? That is quite the possibility as we move forward with these changes we will see what the new mayor and city council have in store for joliet.

     Our city is now in process of real meaningful changes, If we continue down this path there will be a great future ahead of us. As the summer turns to fall we will see where the changes lead. The city is already in the process of a full review on local programs such as animal control and others where there has been much concern over spending, and lack of education in there current employee structure. With a $12 Million dollar budget for 2015 we hope the city can allocate those funds to continue making much needed changes!

GOP Bill Would Undermine Rail Safety Regulations

​WASHINGTON (AP) — At a time of high-profile train wrecks, Republicans are working on legislation to roll back safety regulation of the railroad industriy.

A bill approved this week on a party-line vote by a Senate committee brims with industry-sought provisions that would block, delay or roll back safety rules. The measure is to be part of a must-pass transportation bill that GOP leaders hope to put to a vote in the Senate as early as next week.

They are under pressure to act quickly because authority for transportation programs expires on July 31. Without a cash infusion, the government will have to delay highway and transit aid to states.

One provision would block a new Department of Transportation rule requiring that trains hauling crude oil are equipped with electronically controlled brakes that affect cars all at the same time, rather than sequentially. The bill calls for a study of the technology and puts off any regulatory mandate, which could delay implementation for years.

The brake rule was prompted by a series of train wrecks in which cars of crude oil and ethanol exploded, igniting fires that burned for days. Freight railroads oppose the rule, which could cost them billions of dollars.

Another provision would give freight and commuter railroads and Amtrak more time to install a safety system called positive train control. The technology relies on GPS, wireless radio and computers to monitor train position and slow or stop trains in danger of derailing because they're traveling too fast, are about to collide with another train or are about to enter an area where crews are working on tracks.

A 2008 law requires railroads to have the technology installed and operating by the end of this year. Most are not expected to make that deadline.

 The National Transportation Safety Board says that if the technology had been in operation, it could have prevented an Amtrak derailment in May that killed eight people and injured about 200 others in Philadelphia, and a derailment that killed four passengers and injured 64 others in New York City in December 2013, as well as other fatal accidents.

Railroads say they have spent billions of dollars on the technology but have been hampered by technical and financial difficulties and need more time.

Thune and other Republicans on the committee said the changes were necessary reforms to federal agencies that have overstepped their bounds or have issued regulations that unfairly penalize industry without improving safety. Thune noted the bill contains several provisions sought by Democrats and safety advocates.

The GOP bill is "loaded down with giveaways to special interests that will set back safety for years to come," said Jackie Gillan, president of Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety. "The influence of corporate lobbyists had more sway than commonsense and cost-effective solutions to deadly problems."

Aaron Schock still schocking Illinois

 Former Congressman Aaron Schock, 34 spend more than $ 1 million from campaign funds to pay attourneys. Since March even while under investigation Schock has burth through ton;s of campaign money. In his campaign finance report released Wednesday it was shown that Schock had spent thousands of dollars fundraising since his self removal from office in March? Were left wondering where and for what Schock was raising money?

         In May the former Congress man spent $22,080 dollars on space at the Little Nell, a Luxery hotel in Aspen Colorado. Why would a retired politician be spending campaign money all over the place? He as a person has definatly tarnished his party and his name. The report released Wednesday also stated that Schock owed more than $750,000 to a multi - National law firm Jones Day. So as we all have seen Schock continues to lead himself into more and more issues with the FBI and donors. We are left to wonder what is going through Schocks mind as the months pass and the spending continues to add up?

House Speaker Michael Madigan Press Conference, 7-15-2015

Budget Stalemate continues

Jill Stein Anounces run for president

     Jill Stein a candidate for President in 2016 got over 400,000 votes on her last run for office.

Sanders a threat to Clinton 2016

Bernie Sanders could be a huge issue for Hillary Clinton as his popularity has risen in almost every state. Bernie Sanders has come out of left field bringing head runner Hillary Clinton a true challange for 2016. As it looks now Sanders could quite possibly lead to a political upset for Clinton in her race for president. Hillary Clinton has been a long awated candidate for president by many Americans. But it can also be assumed that Clinton will face the heat from new found Candidate Bbernie Sanders whos suppot has risen since he launched his campaign for office. Bernie is a threat to be taken seriously by the Clinton regime if she wioshes to win the Democratic primary.

         Sanders started his carrer with the Liberty party an anti war movement in 1971 and has continued to move forward with more and more work as time went. Bernie also is the longest standing member of Congress. At 71, Bernie has been oin politics for 44 years and is ready to make the leap of the big seat. Sanders has made history muitiple times as a politician even making moves to impeach  George Bush in 2006.

Bernie has a chance now to beat Hillary Clinton. Her campaign loosing headway since the start. Clinton popular amongst Democrats has been tarnished in the media for lying muitiple times to the voters, and even trying to cover up the attack in Benghazi. This election cycle could prove that Americans are sick of the establishment as Sanders and Trump soar to the top in both partys polls.

Legal marijuana in Illinois?

   Legalizing marijuana in Illinois would be a huge step for our government. Our state is ridden with crime, and we focus millions  of dollars every year fighting marijuana. As prescription drugs are legal, and so are hard  liquor and beer why do we as a state fight to stop marijuana legalizalization. I personally had a sit down the other day with a young adult who works, and contributes to society. She yes like many other Illinoians smokes marijuana. Because she was caught in Illinois with a bowl " Marijuana pipe" sober might I add she is now facing fines and possible jail time. Our nation is slowly curbing it's views on marijuana but many still see it as a huge negative consequences for a personal choice. In a nation based on the prusuit of happieness all Americans should be alotted the freedom to smoke marijuana if they wish to. Marijuana leagalization in Illinois is far from near. With a new Republican Govonor we may not see this for another 20 years. I for one feel we as a state are lacking the ability to make much nessary economical changes. Being one of the worst states in the nation we should be opening up to the idea of such changes, and making strides as a community to better our surroundings. Could you imagine our unemployment rate at 2%? I could see this as a strong possiblity with certain changes being made.

       We as a state should allow Colarado to be used as an example of what we as a people can do to make changes within. Colarado has proven this can work,  Not only seeing a decreas in teen use of the plant but also fiscally pulling out of the economic crises at lightning speeds. With over $11 million brought in just in June state wide and over $200 million since its legalization. Marijusna is proving to be a cash crop that can change our nation, state by state. I truly feel Mr. Bruce Rauner and Mr. Mike Madigan really need to have a conversation over a glass of wine and talk this through. This could change Illinois and really put our state on the map to a quick positive rebuild. Witha failing budget and our economic status embarrasing to say the least, we could use all the help we can get.

     With over 57,758 arrest in 2012 for posession and or paraphanilia and 1 out of every 3 people in illinois admittly using marijuana recreationally we could very well be onto a new stream of taxes and jobs for the citizens of Illinois. Colarado has already reached 10,500 new jobs since their legalization. What a concept right? Real job creation instead of bringing in more warehouses for our citizens to burn themselves out at? I would hope or politicians would listen. Illinois does have a few active groups pushing for a ballot innitiave for 2016 but its a long road before we see any real changes in our state!

Joliet mayor Bob O'Dekirk keeping his word to voters

Bob O'Dekirk Mayor of Joliet, IL 
         Joliet is seeming once again to be a city of hope. Mayor Bob O'Dekirk once again is following through on promises to his voters, and doing exactly what a mayor should do. The city is cleaning up quite nice and we as people of the city should be proud. The next big question is what will our new found leader do about violence in the city of  Joliet? Thus far mayor O'Dekirk has followed through and kept his word to the citizens of Joliet. He as a mayor has taken many more steps than our previous mayor and he should have a lot more coming over the next few months.

         As Mayor Bob is everything he said he would be and even much more working alongside the city officials to make necessary changes. With all new leadership of course there are the critics we all have our critics upon any level of success but mayor bob O'Dekirk is a spitfire with the energy to continue changing our city! With Mayor O'Dekirks transition report our city will see many necessary changes. From a full audit of our animal control for negligence, and lack of experience to addressing evergreen terrace and possibly re developing the property, to a zero based budget, and longer city hall hours. Bob and his team are hitting the nail directly on the head. He even hits the Rialto issue right on the head, as the city is spending $600,000 dollars a year of our tax money on a deal with a non profitable venue.

        Each of these issues has two sides, but it is well worth making the effort now, as a lot of these issues are well past their expiration date. With a new team looking at these issues within our city there may be some long past due resolutions to long lasting issues within the city of Joliet. Hopefully after his first term we will be able to say Bob Changes the city even more for the better! We will continue to follow his practices throught his term and keep you updated!



A twitter Missfire leads to a pre - Mature anoncement of Scott Walkers run for president

A twitter miss fire prematurely puts Scott Walker in the 2016 presidential race. The post read "Scott is in are you?". As it has been looked into Twitter has launched a full investigation. It has come to light that team Walker was not at fault for the early tweet. But it did come a day before his announcement speech Monday. Walker has been a two term Governor in Wisconsin and plans to toss his name in the basket as a contestant for president. Having been known for chasing the Democratic legislators out of the state to avoid a vote on budget cuts in 2011. Fourteen Democrats fled the state and hid in Illinois when walker proposed budget cuts that would effect Union and state employees. Walker could be a huge contender for the Republican party due to his Union backing. Scott Walker has defiantly made quite a stir as Governor. This will make for a crazy GOP year and we were all anticipating this to be the case.

Who will be president in 2016?

So with the presidential race on the way who will win? Well currently in the polls we are seeing a sharp lead still with Clinton and Bush. But the question really is are we ready for either? Both are bought and paid for at this point? We have a system in which candidates can be bought through corperate funding, and both Clinton and Jeb Bush are both part of the establishment so either wahy we are recieving the same deal in my opinion. Either way we go we will not reach an America where we have economical freedom in the next 50 years. Oour nation is so bought and sold the future generations will struggle for many years to come. With conservitaves on one end making promises and liberals on the other.

     So far numbers are showing a tight race between Clinton and Bush if that were to be the run off pair. But there are also thoughts out there that Bush will just be a fundraising tool for the GOP and will be dropped after the race. Either way both familys have had way to much control for far too long. Against popular beliefe of either party the race coming down to another war amongst the two familys would only lead to the same things we a nation have seen for years.  Our predictions would be that Clinton would beat bush by a 3 point lead forcing a re count of votes, but that is still to far in front of us to judge how the primarys might play out.

    All we can say is that in a time of crises our nation needs a non party affiliated leader who can have enough financial backing to not be tied to corperate greed. Our nation is in need of a real change and we will not see it yet again in 2016.


new mayor making big strides

   Joliet - New Mayor Bob O'Dekirk seems to be shaping up the city and getting the job done as promised. As the mayor so far O'Dekirk  has begun making downtown a better place. From structural work completion to pushing for necessary road project's and much more. Bob O'Dekirk has changed the city and the ligst are finally turning on. From working with the community, including pastor posely and the anti violence movement to the rebuilding of joliet, and past due road work. Joliet is changing for the better. We are seeing lights not seen in the past 20 years. joliet is looking healthier and cleaner each and everyday!

         Joliet still has a lot of room to improve but so far the new mayor is making changes and the city is looking forward. With the up coming county elections there could be a lot of change that culd help the mayor along with the city! With 3 and a half mor eyears to go we expexct to see a lot of great things to happen with Bob and the city~!

McPhillips to run against Walsh 2015

      McPhillips has tossed her name into the running against Larry Walsh Sr.  the long time county Executive of Will County. Laurie was elected in 2004 as the Will County Recorder of Deeds and she held that position until 2008. She went on to loose both 2008 and 2012. Walsh first obtained the county executive seat in 2004 and has held it ever since. This may be a turn key year for Republican McPhillips who has the upper hand in this race.
  Former Recorder of Deeds Laurie

         Larry Walsh who stood against his base when the county employees union went on strike in December of 2013. Local 1028 had been a long time supporter of Walsh until he stood against the Unions. We anticipate a huge uproar this election season, which could lead to the end of a long running nepotism in Will County politics. But only time will tell. Last year a long running political family lost power of the Will County Sheriff's office,and we can only imagine what could be next for the county's political circle? Could this be a reign of newer faces? Only time will tell!