38th Ward candidate in car accident

           Alder-manic candidate hurt in car accident                  
                    (PS)  A police officer whom is currently in the race for alderman in the 38th ward hurt in accident Saturday.  Mike Keeney a candidate against incumbent Tim Cullerton was involved in a crash Saturday responding to an emergency call. The two officers were traveling East bound on Irving Park Rd, Saturday when they were struck by a Sedan traveling South bound. Although not seriously injured, Keeney was undergoing observation and testing.

     The other officer may have to under go surgery due to injury's acquired from the accident. All are expected to make a full recovery. Police issued the driver a ticket for failure to yield  to an emergency vehicle. Keeney is expected to return to the campaign trail soon.

Rahm Emanuel pushes fourth minimum wage raise

     Rahm Emanuel pushes fourth minimum wage raise 

Rahm Emanuel
         (PS)   Chicago become's the most recent  U.S. city to raise its minimum wage.  As elections near this seems only yet another ploy by the Emanuel camp to keep him seated for yet another term. The current  Mayor Rahm Emanuel has decided to fast-track a very politically savoy plan to reach $13 per hour amid his bid for a second term. The critics still rave he is out of touch with the working class citizens. 

                 A Chicago City Council committee voted late Monday to advance the plan. The plan expected to gain full council approval Tuesday. Thus beating the state to a decision, grandfathering the raise into law. 
               The mayor moved the meeting up from Dec. 10 due to concerns that the  current Illinois Legislature would bend over to business and specialty groups and pass a bill this week that would prevent cities from setting their wage higher than the state minimum. Chicago currently has the same minimum wage as the state does, at $8.25 per hour. The General Assembly is considering raising Illinois' wage to $11 by 2017.This coming after the Chicago initiative began. 
"Throughout my life I have believed that if you work no child should be raised in poverty," Emanuel said then. "Work should pay. People need a pay raise."
                Coming in just 53 day's before the next Chicago election, it can only seem this measure is passing as yet another way to drive in voters for the February election. With this being stated we are left to wonder if the mayor really cares for the people, or if this is yet again another way to win an election. 

Joliet Candidates file and are ready to roll

        Joliet seems to be lighting up with candidates this year with candidates filed for each of the 5 districts, as well as three for mayor. The current mayor Tom Giarrante, Bob O'dekirk, and Andy Mihelich. Each candidate carrying their own roots to the city and credentials to follow.  This race should be a close one. As the season carry's on we will continue to report updates and changes to this race!

                                                                           District 1

Larry E. Hug (Incumbent)
Terry Cottrell 

District 2

 Brett Gould 
Patrick Mudron

District 3

 John Gerl 
Ray Polikaitis

District 4

Bettye Gavin ( Appointed Incumbent)
James Foster
Phillip Petrakos
Angel Guzman

District 5

Terry Morris
Leonard Thompson Jr. 

Willie Wilson Beats Rahm Emanuel at his own game

  Willie Wilson Beats Rahm Emanuel at his own game 

BY: Brandon Harris

Dr. Willie Wilson
(PS)  The Chicago Mayors race is heating up, with a lot of stir. Willie Wilson a first time candidate has came out batting. With over 55,000 signatures the current mayor Rahm Emanuel has started a a bee's nest un-fire. Rahm challenged Willie Wilson asking for him to be removed from the ballot and for 40,000 of his signatures to be rejected. Wilson's team replied with a subpoena for the mayor himself. Wilson a face of strength and courage has made his bid for mayor with progress and change in his mind did not back down.

            As the holidays came to an end so did Rahm's challenges for Dr. Wilson, whom is now listed as a candidate on the ballot for February. With 590,357 votes cast last mayoral election, Dr. Wilson does have a challenge, but may very well rake in a win. If anyone could rebuild Chicago it would be doctor Wilson. A man once penniless now a very successful business man on the rise. For years Dr. Wilson worked hard and showed signs of leadership and honesty as he built his business network. Now he hopes to take those efforts to the mayors office in Chicago.

         Current City mayor Rahm Emanuel has a lot on his hands over the next fifty two day's. Although it seems Dr. Wilson has already won the first battle keeping himself on the ballot and his campaign staff aimed at a reachable goal.

Chicago Mayors race challenges

                         Chicago Mayors race challenges 

         Challenges were filed in Chicago began this week and multiple candidates are being challenged including Dock Walls, and Gerald Sconyer's. Sconyers whom will possibly stepping out of the race this afternoon, had thanked volunteer's and pondered future plans. Chicago police officer Fredrick Collins stated " These are just shot gun challenges, we will overcome them". The issues began coming out today at 9 am. Coming in the next few day's.

             This year there are over 10 candidates all of whom are looking to run to be the next   mayor of Chicago. Among the front runners are Rahm Emanual, Fredrick Collins, and Chewy Garcia. As the year rolls on we will stay tuned into the race.

SEIU clashes with protesters

                              SEIU clashes with protesters 

        Illinois SEIU workers are at it once again. With the recently ended Harris Vs. Quinn case in which the union lost. SEIU is down and hurting loosing over $20 Million in union dues. Today as the state mandated training for in home health care providers, the unions were present and ready. The motley crew of SEIU members were present and loud.

      As conservative volunteers passed out literature and  made statements asking workers to know their rights to not join a Union, SEIU members fought back. With loud voices and a goal to out word their opponents they began to sound repetitive. "We got you a raise" Shouted Union members, as the conservatives said " Know your rights, don't feel pressured". The two teams went through these motions for most of the day, each training session both speaking on their views. These two teams going head to head for different causes.

New Waves in Local politics


         New waves in Local politics

   Will County and Joliet seem to be dealing with a new political tide. The political waves in the Joliet area from the last few years, have really been showing shifts in the area. Starting with Joliet City Councilman, whom came in with a bang, winning his election with great results. Coming in with 29.72 percent of the vote in a race of four. He beat both Jan Quillman and Michaek F. Turk  whom are both Joliet political veterans. Now with Annette Parker, and Lauren Staley - Ferry both winning in district 9, things are seeming to change. As the old guard is slowly waving out, we are watching a new one enter.

       Joliets political community is beginning to shift, and the community is beginning to change.  In both the way they vote,and the way they see incumbents. There are a lot of great political candidates,and bad candidates coming to a spring election season. We are sitting back watching to see what happens this political season. 

       There are numerous seats up for re election, and candidates will not be filed until late December. Although To date there are many races with i coming challengers. Such as school board candidate David Skaroupa, a resident of Joliet for over thirty years, running for his first time ever. 

       With more and more young candidates coming to light we are ready to see whom pull's in the votes. Many people are up for their first runs, others for their 20th, but all in all this up coming year will bring us loads of surprises! 

Chicagos first Female Mayor Jayne Byrne Dies at 81

        Chicagos first Female Mayor Jayne Byrne Dies at 81

(PS) Former Chicago mayor Jayne Byrne passed away earlier today. Jayne a mayor in the City of Chicago from April 16, 1979 – April 29, 1983. Jayne was the first and last female mayor of Chicago to date.  After losing her job as the head of Chicago's consumer affairs department she made the decision to run against the mayor at the time,Michael Bilandic. Seen as little to no threat she managed to win the primary with 51% of the vote.From there she headed onto the general election. Then and still now the city had been very deomcratic. She had won her election with 82 percent of the vote.  After one term she was unseated by Hearld Washington losing her race to him in the primary. Byrne was a very active woman, whom made history in Illinois for woman. She was most known for her time spent living in the Cabrini–Green Homes in Chicago. Her goal at that time, to rid the area of crime and making the city a safer place!  As mayor she had leaders in the community such as Jesse Jackson and others behind her. Jayne passed away today at 81. 

Political Season is surging up

          Candidates begin with new names and old names all in the same hand. Looking to get a head start against their competition. With Will County lighting up the political atmosphere, there are plenty of names in the game. Joliet's Mayor race and 4 district council race are heating up a with three candidates and one more possible candidate entering the race.

         With a mess of candidates and the stakes high after a very Republican year in Illinois, we may see a huge shift in powers this year. Filing runs through December but we would not be supprised to see a few seats shifting hands. With Govonor Quinn losing to Bruce Rauner in the race for Govonor, and with Mark Batanick winning for his state rep race, the current trend is a Republican wave. This being great for the Republicans in the race.

        The Joliet mayors race will be huge, along with the race for quite a few other seats. As the season wears on we will stay in tuned bringing you both sides of the story every time!

The Joliet Mayor Race heats up

       The Joliet Mayors race heat's up:

      By: Brandon Harris

       (PS)   The Joliet Mayors race is heating up and were all left to wonder whom will be representing the people after April. The current Mayor Thomas Giarrante has quite a competition this year. With three known candidates thus far we should defiantly see some real work from these candidates to fix the crime ridden town.

Mayor of Joliet Tom Giarrante
  Tom Giarrante the incumbent, continues to push tax hikes and has been in constant battle with the council, is up for the race. He has pulled his petitions for Re - Election.  With much tension and the stakes high, his campaign staff have a lot of work to do to regin Joliet, if they hope to et him re - elected. Last run tom Giarrante spent  $ 50,750 to win the election. He had taken 26.24 percent of the vote, with a 10 point lead over Mihelich.

Andy Mihelich at the witches night out 
         Joliet City councilman Bob O'Dekirk and Joliet JJC boards Andy Mihelich are both also entering the race. Andy a former candidate whom opened his offices from his last race to the homeless,  allowing them to sleep in a warm safe environment. This year he will re-run against Mayor Girrante.

Andy has received a degree in advanced education at the university of Champagne Urbana. His last run he spent $22,000 running for Mayor, loaning his campaign $20,000. In that election he received 13.64 percent of the vote in a whole. Andy an educator, with an impressive background in education, should work towards being superintendent. He has a real up hill battle, and is projected to rake in the least amount of votes this election. Were all left to wonder if he can gain enough votes to win.

BoB O'Dekirk prepping for his run for
City Council, 2011. 
      Bob O'Dekirk, a local attorney is the third contestant in the race. With years of public service under his belt  , Bob has been a police officer for the city of Joliet and a commander in Iraq. Receiving  his law degree from John Marshall. He now owns a Joliet law firm and is a city councilman.  Bob is  large contributing factor to the city's budget having a $6 Million dollar wind fall at the end of 2013. When coming into city hall, O'Dekirk  and his constituents faced a $17 Million dollar a year negative balance every year. Thus far in the race Bob seems to be the most likely winner for the seat in April.

Bill Foster in for another loss?

       Bill Foster in for another loss:
                                                                        BY: Andrew Mitsen

(PS)  Bill Foster (D) the Congressman of the 11th district is up for re - election this year and his numbers are troubling. Some poll's showing him down as much as 7 points are really shaking the Democratic party. Bill having made a few un timely moves that have voters upset and ready to show it. Democrats across the board. Republican Senator Darlene Senger is giving him quite a scare.

    Many local voters are still reminded of Fosters lack of willingness to back the Will County workers unions in the strike earlier this year. By standing down and doing nothing, now he may face the consequences. Although he has done a pretty good job of leading the 11th district, this may be the needle in the haystack to cause his reign as Congressman to come to an abrupt end. Bill Has held the seat for one term, having lost his last congressional seat to (R) Randy Hultgren in 2008. Fosters political career has had it's ups and downs as has his personal life over the last 10 years.

    This may be the make or break race for Mr. Foster and his crew of campaign workers. We will stay tuned and we will keep following this race very closely!

J - Town Vs. Chi Town

    Beat Down in J - Town is taking place tomorrow at 6:00 pm at St. Joseph's park. J - town Vs. Chi Town will be the fight of the year in Illinois. City Councilman Bob O'Derkirk and the Joliet FOP are bringing you some of the best local fighters available to your door for one night of great fun and a fight unlike any other. all proceeds are being given to charity, and the teams plan to use this match as a community platform for future events!  With hopes of a great safe evening for all!!!

   Get Ticket By Calling:
        (815) 740 - 1688

Reed Bible Fundraiser a huge sucess:

 Reed Bible Fundraiser a huge sucess:
BY: Brandon Harris

  (PS) Richard C. Schoenstedt,  and Will County board speaker Herbert Brooks Jr were among the group that turned out.With great support and a very hard working Staff, it seems Reed Bible is on the path to retaining his seat for another term. Having served the people since 2012, Reed has been a quite popular member of the will county board.
   5TH district will county board member Reed Bible had his fundraiser this evening. Among the crowed were a lot of local officials, and supporters. Will County's Chief Judge

     With high hopes, and a bright smile Reed made sure to greet each and every guest and take time with every person. As a man who's heart lie's in the community,Reed  Bible hopes his constituents in his district will vote to re elect him! Reed Bible Received his doctorates degree from the University of Minnesota school of law, and a bachelors from Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, in political science his education, shines through in his manor and vocabulary.

Michael Urban info

Michael Urban is a candidate up for election, running in the cook county commissioner seat this year against Tim Schneider. As a first time candidate our initial thought was he must have some sort of connection to big Chicago politics. This is not the case. Mr. Urban is a person all on his own in this race, having quit his day job to do a good job running a campaign.  Stating " I had a choice, work and try to make a difference, or go all out". Michael, a lifetime Cook County resident, has taken this run seriously. Clearing his time and schedule to get the job done right the first time.

   Unlike many elected officials, he has stepped back a few notches, and even answers his own phone calls. This being a huge difference from most politicians in general, let alone a Cook County Commissioner candidate!

His history in Cook County as deep rooted as his agenda. Michael wishes to make a positive impact on his County, hoping to shift some of the community's needs.

Check Him out on facebook:

Shaking up Illinois?

     As the political season Moves forward, we are left to wonder what will happen this year. With Govonor Pat Quinn behind in the poll's and Republican Bruce Rauner in the lead, how will this year play out? Candidates all over the state are in uproar with a season not seen in Illinois in years. Republicans declaring an early victory, and Democratic candidates left out to dry by their own party? What is going on in Illinois? A Democratic state from the get go is lacking Democratic support? The Republicans looking to have their first gubernatorial race won in years?This year could be an upset for a few long term politicians whom are in control now.

Bob O'derkirk walks in the spanish parade

  Joliet City Councilman Bob O'derkirk walks in the Joliet Spanish parade, but not campaigning to be a councilman. Bob is running to be the next mayor of Joliet, IL. Bob a strong independent man, with high hopes came out on Saturday the 6th, 2014. While out walking he received many smiles and hand shakes, the current mayor Thomas Giarrante no where to be found. This can only leave one wondering where the city's mayor could be? While Bob was out making the community a better place, meeting and greeting his community, Tom was lost in a game of golf somewhere.  Sad to see our own mayor again could not show up with out cameras and spotlight, but what more could we expect from the old guard of Joliet?

    With high hopes for Bob, our staff watched as the entire parade passed, Bob being a candidate whom could not only re build Joliet, but possibly bring it back to life. After the loss of long time Mayor Art Schultz, Joliet is in need of real leadership. We will keep our eyes on the following months as other candidates start to announce their hopes to run as well.

Repbulican bought lead?

       A Republican year has seemingly sprung upon us in the state of Illinois. With the gubernational race is a very UN-Evan bend aiming for Bruce Rauner, 57  ( R)  to win by up to 15 points. With Govonor Pat Quinn, 65 (D).  This year thus far the Rauner campaign has been playing hard ball with the unions and Democratic leaders. Having given Millions to other campaigns in the state as well. It may seem as if Rauner is buying the vote? This seems quite possible. So are we reverting to another party bought through money?

A candidate " Who" cares?

      BY: Michelle Naylor

    (PS) 2014  Candidate Valerie Burd, whom is running for the 50th congressional district has a message most voters do not expect to hear. Her message coming from her life experiences, and want to serve the community.  Valerie, whom is a moderate " Middle of the road Democrat views her opportunity to run for State Representative, not as a career move, but instead as an option to speak for the people.  Stating she wished to only give the people a choice in whom they elected. As a former Mayor and Alderman, Valerie brings both experience, and wisdom to the table. She is hoping if nothing else to hear what people want and need, and in fact try to build a better future for our youth! And we must stop and ask, is this possible? Is Burd making promises she cant keep? Actually no, Burd is campaigning on a no promises policy. She has multiple times publicly stated that she  wants to work through and with the community to make proper decisions that directly effect her district! Some of her ideas being rebuilding the 50th district, and its economy.

   Valerie was a news reporter in her young life, working for many papers and going on to write and create many magazines.

                                                           Find her on facebook:

The gubernatorial race in Illinois is heating up

 The gubernatorial race in Illinois is heating up

   The gubernatorial race in Illinois is heating up, with  Billionaire Bruce Rauner in the lead by 5 points. Pat Quin  trying to gain his second term in office. As a heated race goes on Pat Quinn is now under fire for the anti violence program which now is missing funds. Bruce Rauner seems to be the likely pick of many of the majority of voters this year. Bruce Rauner having stopped in Joliet, IL this week while on his campaign trail. Pat Quinn working the trail as well, his Camping office working hard as well. Quin also under heat for the new tax bill he and House speaker Michael Madigan signed earlier this year. Rauner and staff have a bright future from poll numbers at this time. With hopes of bringing business back to Illinois and making a difference in the economy, Rauner gave a 1 million dollar loan to to a credit union on Chicago's far south side. For small African American business, and catches some heat waves. Some calling the move less than professional. Others saying this is a his attempt to buy the African America vote. The people, the party's, and Unions all kicking in on their desired team. With election merely two months away we anticipate larger moves my each candidate in attempts to lock in the seat for Governor.
Regina Brent is a current candidate for DuPage county board district 5. She has over 30 years of experience working with people and making a difference. Give her a like on facebook!


Amazing speech

                               Just had to share this amazing speech once given by a silent film star!


Dennis Grosskopf drop's out of the 97th State rep race

Dennis Grosskopf former Will county Democratic party chairman, is now also the former 97th state representative candidate as well. Dropping out of the race on June 14th, 2014. Now with primary's over and the seat open. We are left to wonder what has happened to Mr. Grosskopf since the switch in political leadership in the party's local office from Mr. Grosskopf, to Mr. Scott Pyles. Seemingly Dennis may no longer be the right guy to run for office. This we are unsure of but as it stands the seat now vacent, may be filled by a candidate whom had ran for judge in the primary, but this is unsure we will continue to keep our readers posted.

Harris Exteriors

Do you need a roofing company you can trust? Harris exteriors is looking to set up accounts with home owners and  property management companies. We offer great products, great services and offer a variety of services and a 0% down until job is complete policy. We also offer financing Please feel free to give me a call and we will set you up with a FREE appointment with one of our service representatives!

(815) 666 - 4833

Keith Farnham Appears in Court for Child porn charges

        Keith Farnham Appears in Court for Child porn charges

                                Keith Farnham charged child pornography appears in court

Political Source (PS) Former State Rep. Keith Farnham (D) 66,  appeared in court today facing charges of child pornography. Keith had resigned from his office in March after federal authorities had raided his office finding at least 2 child pornography videos on his computer. Keith had also posted in forums about himself abusing a 6 year old. He now faces years in jail, and has a lot of explaining to do. Farnham 66, had his computer seized from his office one week before resigning abruptly in March, stood in court today with oxygen machine in hand. What will become of Mr. Farnham? Stay tuned as we follow the case!

Russian war plane

  A Russian Fighter jet mad several passes at low altitude towards a US destroyer ship, in international waters this weekend. The us is calling this both unprofessional and provocative. Russia whom has been an international threat now for going on 4 months is continually provoking the United States with little to no response. So what happens now? That is the question on many of Americans minds.

Bruce Rauner wins primary race for Governor


    Political Source (PS)   It's a day we have been expecting.Bruce Rauner is the Illinois pick for Governor. After almost 3 months of battering campaign adds by the Democrats Bruce has done it. Over the past 3 months it's been a back and fourth struggle with the Republicans and Democrats attacking his vote from either way. The democrats make false accusations of abuse from business Rauner owned. Other Republican candidates calling him a democrat in Republican attire.He has no proven more than ever that he has what it takes to run for and possibly win the seat for governor. Coming out strong in the primary elections after being cut down and made out a horrible person via media, and hate adds. Rauner a Republican from Winnetka, IL whom is 57  has a successful business career and seems to have a chance at beating our current incumbent. With Millions of his own money, Pat Quinn and Speaker Michael Madigan, 71, have their hands full.  If Bruce Rauner brings his A game to this race, he will really shake the tight control and major shareholders in this state. The Rauner campaign has surprised us and shall continue. We only hope for the sake of current Governor Pat Quinn, that if Rauner win's Mr. Quinn doesent end up in prison along side his 4 previous predecessors.

Oberwies win's Primary against power house Doug Truax


                                       Jim Oberwies   (R)          Doug Truax (R)

      Republican Douglas Lee Truax loses primary against Jim Oberwies. Jim Oberwies being a returning candidate won the race by a close call. Now for the next few months to see where this run will lead.  Doug Truax a first time politician ran a better than expected race. With Truax taking 44% percent and Oberwies taking 56% with over 78% of the votes counted, Truax conceded to Oberwies reports say. Now this election cycle has ended we will see where lead us in the general elections. Jim being known for wining a state senate seat in 2013 will now again be in the runs for a seat in Washington, DC. The American business man and owner of the famous Oberwies milk we all love will be up to represent us in the US senate. We can only hope this attempt goes as planned for Oberwies. Also don't think we have seen the last of Doug Truax, his campaign reminding us of only one other recent Illinois candidate, that being Dave Carlson in 2012 for States attorney. With more and more talented candidates coming to light every day we could finally see some great changes.

Primary updates will be up after 7

We will be posting updates after 7 for candidates in the Will and cook county areas

Primary elections near Will County residents ready to vote


With primary elections right around the corner, what are the choices going to be in Will county? This years race should be tight. With candidates running for all sorts of seats the question will be whom will win? In the 11th District there is a lot of tension at the moment with four candidates running to try and have a chance to beat the incumbent Bill Foster. As races prepare and candidates line up for the primary we wonder whom will be in the running come November. With an estimated 13.6 million dollars spent in Will County alone so far for this primary, will there be a complete oust to a lot of the good old boy's club in Will County? Will the new faces join in with the likes of well known hard working public servants such as Dave Carlson, Larry Hug, and Bob O'Dekirk.  Or will they fall under the career politicians ranks with Larry Walsh, James Glasgow, and the many others in their ranks. Only time and votes can tell!

Crimea High Alert

The tension in Crimea grows as the Ukrainian government reaches out to the west for help. With military bases being raided, and pre  cold war tactics being used. The United States weighs in on the new Ukrainian leaders call for help. With only 6000 active solders and being outnumbered 10 to 1, the Ukrainian government decided to install a national guard of sort. They are hoping to keep themselves from the military rule of Russia.

9 out 18 Congressional seats have primary races.


 Only 9 out of 18 Congressional district seats in Illinois face primary elections, on the March, 18th primary. Rep. Dan Lipinski goes unchallenged as Dianne Harris and Sharon M. Brannigan go head to head for the Republican spot for the election? Why are there 9 uncontested seats? Is Illinois really getting so worn by political mishap they feel a reason not to try. Ryan Tirney, 23 of Romeoville stated when asked why he would not be voting in the March 18th primary. " Well no matter how we vote all of our politicians go to jail".  Upon asking another 4 year resident Michelle Nayor, 24 of Joliet,IL.  she stated "I worked on the Dave Carlson Campaign for States Attorney, When an incumbent has a seat and is able to play their cards how they want there is no success".  That statement coming after a loss for Carlson in the bid for states attorney almost 2 years ago. If the candidates whom present the right ideas cannot seem to be elected, and all of our politicians seem to end up in some sort of mishap. What will this political season bring the Illinois voters. Will we find some sort of way out of our debt? Can someone help the economey in our state?

A list of Illinois politicians whom have been sent to jail

                      Illinois politicians charged with crime:
      A list of Illinois politicians whom have been sent to jail

Derrick Smith goes to Jail
Derrick Smith (D)

                State Representative Derrick Smith (D) was arrested for accepting a $7000 bribe

Sandi Jackson goes to jail\
Sandi Jackson (D)

        Alderman of ChicagoSandi Jackson (D) plead guilty to one count of filing false tax returns.

Dixon Rita Crundwell goes to jail
Dixon Rita Crundwell

Comptroller and Treasurer for Dixon Rita Crundwell was arrested for fraud after allegedly embezzling as much as $30 million over many years. The money was used to support a lavish lifestyle and support her horse ranch, the Meri-J

Rod " Blago" Blagojevich in Jail
Rod " Blago" Blagojevich

Rod Blagojevich – Governor from 2002 through 2009, when he became the first Illinois governor in history to be impeached. Convicted of numerous corruption charges in 2011, including allegations that he tried to sell or trade President Barack Obama's old Senate seat.

George Ryan Goes to jail
George Ryan ( R)

George Ryan – Governor from 1999 through 2003. After leaving office, was convicted of racketeering for actions as governor and secretary of state. In November 2007, began serving a 6 1/2 year sentence in federal prison.

Governor Dan Walker goes to jail
Dan Walker 

Dan Walker – Governor from 1973-1977. Pleaded guilty to bank fraud and other charges in 1987 related to his business activities after leaving office. Spent about a year and a half in federal prison.

Govorner Otto Kerner goes to jail
Otto Kerner

Otto Kerner – Governor from 1961-1968. Resigned to become judge, then was convicted of bribery related to his tenure as governor. Sentenced to three years in prison.

State Treasurer Jerome Cosentino (D) was convicted of bank fraud and sentenced to nine months home confinement. (1991)

James DeLeo in jail
James DeLeo (D) 

State Representative James DeLeo (D) caught in the "Operation Greylord" investigation of corruption in Cook County. He was indicted by a federal grand jury for taking bribes and negotiated guilty plea on a misdemeanor tax offense, and was placed on probation (1992)

State Representative Joe Kotlarz (D) convicted and sentenced to jail for theft and conspiracy for pocketing in about $200,000 for a sale of state land to a company he once served as legal counsel (1997)

State Senator Bruce A. Farley (D) sentenced to 18 months in prison for mail fraud (1999)

State Senator John A. D’Arco Jr. (D) served about three years in prison for bribery and extortion (1995)

Illinois Attorney General William J. Scott served from 1968 until 1982 when he was convicted of tax fraud and sentenced to a year in prison.

Illinois State Auditor (comptroller) Orville Hodge (R) embezzled more than $6 million and was indicted for on 54 counts including conspiracy, forgery and embezzling. He was sentenced to 12 to 15 years in prison.

Alonso 'Lon' Monk (D) Chief of Staff to Rod Blagojevich plead guilty to one count of mail fraud and was sentenced to 2 years in prison(2009)
Christopher Kelly (D) Adviser to Rod Blagojevich plead guilty to tax fraud. (2009)

John F. Harris (D) Chief of Staff to Rod Blagojevich, plead guilty to one count of mail fraud and was sentenced to 10 days in prison.

Scott Fawell (R) Chief of Staff to George Ryan was convicted of racketeering and fraud and sentenced to six years and six months.
Michael Tristano (R) Chief of Staff to State Representative Lee Daniels (R) plead guilty to one count of fraud. 

Rand Paul CPAC

Rand Paul
Rand Paul (R) KY
           Rand Paul, 51 ( R) from Kentucky is the conservative CPAC pick for the second time. being the son of Libertarian Ron Paul, Ran is a likely candidate for president in the 2016 elections. Rand Paul whom has been tied to the Republican party for a long time now, actually may stand a huge chance in the Republican choice for president. With many notable actions such as his foreign policy views, Rand is a favriote at the moment with the Republican party.With a bill in the works by  State Senate Majority Leader Damon Thayer would allow Rand too run for 2 seats at the same time. Rand Paul received his MD from Duke university in 1988, and currently is a member of many committees.  Rand Paul has been a consistent political force in the Republican corner for quite some time and could be the next heavy weight if he is to run for president! 

Whats going on with Oboma care?

   What is going on with the presidents new healthcare system? All I hear is postpone, extension, and issues? Millions of peoples health care plans messed up? Who's to blame? What is really going on with our health care system? I personally feel we as Americans need to see stability. I feel this would comfort the American citizens. With no stability what is this to be taken as other than a joke.

Illinois Governor race

       Illinois Governor race going wild. New commercials are coming out daily. Bruce Rauner, Pat Quinn, and Kirk Dillard are covering the main stream media with adds and more crap than most have ever seen. Hat Bruce Rauner he Kill's seniors, Hate Pat Quinn he sold Springfied. This is a circus. Why has our political campaign material turned to hate, where are the numbers and fact's on this situation? It's sad to think that the player with the most money will win but in the case of politics 9/10 times this is true. Nether clean politics or real structure show in this years race what so ever

Is this the next great war?


Is this the next great war:

 Could this be a possible war? We are all finding ourselves asking what will happen with the United States and Russia over the following days. Senator John Kerry (D) in multiple talks with Russian deference officials this week. President also conducted various phone calls to Russian President Putin over the past week, spend on average an hour on the phone. Nothing seems to be working and the Russians are set on the March 16th vote for Crimea to succeed from Ukraine.The US president and NATO are stating that this vote is breaking international law. Even now the Chinese are beginning to worry! What will this issue come to? How will this situation end up. Could this be the start of the next great war? Russia has now completely taken over multiple military bases in the Ukraine peninsula Crimea. With Putin reluctant to stand down and more armed forces moving into the country we are left sitting here wondering what is next?

Sheriff's Candidate to Send Out his HIT - men

Sheriff's Candidate to Send Out his HIT-men
Lt. Steve Egan Proposes Will County Heroin Interdiction Team-The HIT squad.

Joliet-"The drug traffickers and dealers have been preying on Will County residents and their children for far too long, “declared Lt. Steve Egan, " it's time we hit them, hit them hard and hit them where it hurts!"

Egan unveiled an aggressive three-pronged program that will attack the flow of heroin and other drugs, punish those who are victimizing our communities while assisting and supporting the families that have been devastated by the actions of these predators.  Egan's proposed Will County Heroin Interdiction Team (HIT) will be organized and managed by the Sheriff's Office and will include county and local police officers as part of what he calls his "HIT squad."

"The officers who join my unit will be my HIT-men, "Egan explained, "and we will aggressively and proactively attack the flow and distribution of heroin and other drugs throughout Will County."

The program proposes a comprehensive, multi-jurisdictional investigation team that will seek out traffickers and dealers.  Based on the investigations the HIT Squad will arrest those bringing drugs into Will County as well as those selling those drugs in our communities.  Egan explained that the unit can be "self-funded" through asset seizures that result from this program.

"Interstates I-55 and I-80 are the commercial crossroads of America," said Egan, "but unfortunately they are also the crossroads of America for the heroin and drug trade.  We will focus heavily in this corridor to stem the flow of these illicit drugs."

The third part of the program is intervention and support according to Egan.  He explained that as Sheriff, through his office, he will organize a referral network of existing public and private social service agencies to intervene to help those victimized by this epidemic.

"The young people who are targeted by the drug dealers will need help putting their lives back together and on track,” explained Egan, "as will their families.  The heroin and drug epidemic can destroy entire families and we need to help them rebuild."

Egan also mentioned that an aggressive education campaign is necessary and he will work with schools and community organizations to reach out to Will County's children through community outreach programs established by the Sheriff's Office.  Egan said his program can go hand-in-hand with Will County State’s Attorney Jim Glasgow’s already successful Heroin Education Leads to Preventative Solutions (HELPS) program and his Will County Drug Court.