SEIU clashes with protesters

                              SEIU clashes with protesters 

        Illinois SEIU workers are at it once again. With the recently ended Harris Vs. Quinn case in which the union lost. SEIU is down and hurting loosing over $20 Million in union dues. Today as the state mandated training for in home health care providers, the unions were present and ready. The motley crew of SEIU members were present and loud.

      As conservative volunteers passed out literature and  made statements asking workers to know their rights to not join a Union, SEIU members fought back. With loud voices and a goal to out word their opponents they began to sound repetitive. "We got you a raise" Shouted Union members, as the conservatives said " Know your rights, don't feel pressured". The two teams went through these motions for most of the day, each training session both speaking on their views. These two teams going head to head for different causes.