Rahm Emanuel pushes fourth minimum wage raise

     Rahm Emanuel pushes fourth minimum wage raise 

Rahm Emanuel
         (PS)   Chicago become's the most recent  U.S. city to raise its minimum wage.  As elections near this seems only yet another ploy by the Emanuel camp to keep him seated for yet another term. The current  Mayor Rahm Emanuel has decided to fast-track a very politically savoy plan to reach $13 per hour amid his bid for a second term. The critics still rave he is out of touch with the working class citizens. 

                 A Chicago City Council committee voted late Monday to advance the plan. The plan expected to gain full council approval Tuesday. Thus beating the state to a decision, grandfathering the raise into law. 
               The mayor moved the meeting up from Dec. 10 due to concerns that the  current Illinois Legislature would bend over to business and specialty groups and pass a bill this week that would prevent cities from setting their wage higher than the state minimum. Chicago currently has the same minimum wage as the state does, at $8.25 per hour. The General Assembly is considering raising Illinois' wage to $11 by 2017.This coming after the Chicago initiative began. 
"Throughout my life I have believed that if you work no child should be raised in poverty," Emanuel said then. "Work should pay. People need a pay raise."
                Coming in just 53 day's before the next Chicago election, it can only seem this measure is passing as yet another way to drive in voters for the February election. With this being stated we are left to wonder if the mayor really cares for the people, or if this is yet again another way to win an election.