A candidate " Who" cares?

      BY: Michelle Naylor

    (PS) 2014  Candidate Valerie Burd, whom is running for the 50th congressional district has a message most voters do not expect to hear. Her message coming from her life experiences, and want to serve the community.  Valerie, whom is a moderate " Middle of the road Democrat views her opportunity to run for State Representative, not as a career move, but instead as an option to speak for the people.  Stating she wished to only give the people a choice in whom they elected. As a former Mayor and Alderman, Valerie brings both experience, and wisdom to the table. She is hoping if nothing else to hear what people want and need, and in fact try to build a better future for our youth! And we must stop and ask, is this possible? Is Burd making promises she cant keep? Actually no, Burd is campaigning on a no promises policy. She has multiple times publicly stated that she  wants to work through and with the community to make proper decisions that directly effect her district! Some of her ideas being rebuilding the 50th district, and its economy.

   Valerie was a news reporter in her young life, working for many papers and going on to write and create many magazines.

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