More theft involving elected officials??

Saturday January 31st 2015,  many of our residents awoke to find their yard signs supporting Anne Schaible for alderman had been stolen from their yards. As a campaign, we are saddened by these attacks. The Matt O’Shea campaign and/or his supporters have violated their own clean campaign pledge, as well as, the freedom of speech rights of hundreds of our residents.  We call on Mr. O’Shea to denounce the actions of his supporters and /or campaign workers.  As for those in the 19th Ward who were victimized, we are replacing the signs as quickly as possible, so please call the campaign office at (773) 780-1899 if you don’t receive your replacement sign within a few days.

Chicago politics out of control

Alderman Emma Mitt's 
 The current Chicago political situation is horrible.  As a community the fear instilled in voters, and residence is closer to terrorism than most other situations.  Politicians intimidating locals and nearly forcing voters to follow in their path. How can these people do such things to their residence.  From the 19th Ward to the mayoral race and more. Over the years we have seen things continually go from great to horrible. The powers at be, behind a lot of the struggle. Why now more so than ever? Because there is a lot at stake. The current mayor is looking at a run off , as well as quite a few other Alderman as well!!

                As I drove through Chicago today one ward really stood out. Emma Mitt's ward was in shambles.  I truly was disgusted with her signs all over. Even one with trash all over the place. It disturbed me a lot. I know it takes a community to care for a community but really true leadership starts somewhere.  How can you expect to lead a community and you cant even care for it? This really get's under my skin.  I feel as a leader you lead by example, like community clean up day's? Or grafatti removal week? Or how about focusing more time on youth and less on red light cameras? Did you know that if you took all the money spent on red light cameras and broke it down to youth in Chicago there wouldn't be a single hungry child in Chicago? Does this not bother you? If not you may just be heartless. We need real leadership, not thieves whom are out to spend our hard earned money.  Why is it that these alderman pocket so much, and become so imbedded in our community?


   The leaders really need to step their game up for their whole term, not just for RE - Election? Why does this style of games work? Why do we allow people to conduct business as usual? We need to for once take a stand. We as a state ousted a governor, now let's oust some of the current thugs in office. 

Schaible Sets Record Straight, Calls Out O’Shea Calls For More Public, Open Forum Community Debates, Transparency Chicago

Anne Schaible candidate for the 19th Wars. Top
Left ( Blue Jacket)
19 th Ward Aldermanic candidate Anne Schaible is calling on incumbent Alderman Matt O’Shea to appear before fellow residents at a series of forum debates to answer resident questions and offer explanations and solutions. Schaible said that contrary to O’Shea ‘s recent statement that such appearances and debates are “silly”, she does not find her fellow residents desire for answers and more transparency to be silly at all. 

“Whether it’s one resident or one thousand, I believe we owe it to our fellow residents to appear before them and answer their questions,” Schaible said. 

        Schaible said she found O’Shea’s statement to be condescending and insulting to her and every resident of the 19 th Ward. She said a call for solutions, answers and transparency is not “silly”. She added that to be an effective Alderman who fights for the best interests of your fellow residents you must engage in public debate day in and day out in the council chamber and there’s nothing silly about that. In a January 13 article in the Beverly Review O’Shea said, “Frankly, I think debates are kind of silly.” 

             “Public debate is the cornerstone of democracy,” Schaible insisted, “and that Mr. O'Shea honestly believes that public debate is a waste of time is anything but silly, it's disturbing, and it flies in the face of him claiming to want a substantive and issues based campaign.  Schaible said two important topics that need to be publicly discussed are the 19 th Ward SSA funds that have made no visible improvement to the ward’s infrastructure and the TIF Funs. She says a very public discussion of these two programs is long overdue. 

     “Under Mr. O’Shea’s watch we’ve collected these taxes yet we haven’t seen any tangible benefit. Where has the money gone Mr. O’Shea,” Schaible asked. Schaible also called on O’Shea to be truthful about the Campaign Ethics Pledge issue. While the League of Women Voters has put forth an objective Campaign Ethics Pledge, that is not the one O’Shea sent to Schaible. “I completely support the LWV ethics pledge,” explained Schaible, “but what Matt sent me and asked me to sign was his own version of that pledge. I will sign the LWV pledge but not a concocted campaign stunt version that O’Shea created for his own political advantage. 

Chicago Mayors race heating up

As the Chicago Election's move forward we see a lot of tension.  Chuy Garcia is currently the popular choice of voters in Chicago, as Rahm announces her will debate 5 times with the other candidates before election day.  This seems to be his ploy to  make himself seem transparent. Even with this the mayor may have his job rocked from right under his feet. With Willie Wilson falling from stardom and Jessus "Chuy" Garcia coming out as the front runner, the mayor be facing  the unemployment line along with former governor Pat Quinn.
         The city is upside down as well as most of the state . We currently are facing huge crises issues, from pensions to murders the city is taking hit after hit. We truly need real leadership with Chicago in mind.  The large reform and anti incumbent movement in the city continues to grow as does the push for a more transparent government. The people are sick of seeing their tax dollars stolen by burecrats whom do nothing more than lie,lie,lie.....

         As the race continues we expect the real race to be between Bob Fioretti and Jesus "Chuy"  Garcia.  Willie Wilson fell out as a top runner weeks ago, losing his position as  front runner.  Now the race is down to it's last 31 days and thing will begin to speed up and change as each candidate has a chance to debate and sling mud at the mayor. We feel the best will be Bob and Jesus , and Rahm. We predict the race will tie with Jesus and Rahm, with Jesus wining by 2 points. 

Melissa Chovan Easy Living

By: Melissa Chovan

"The Dali Lama stated that what perplexed him the most about humanity stated, “Man.  Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.  Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And, then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies never really having lived.”

Read More Here:

19th Ward SSA and Tiff funds

         As I walked through the 19th Ward meeting business owners and citizens the other day, on prevalent issue seemed to be the same among residence, where is their Tiff and SSA money, and why is it not being properly used? As a business owner the SSA 55 tax was raised by 17.5% and yet a lot of this money has not been used for what the community was told it would be used for. Business owners are upset because their streets are not re paved as promised, and they feel they are being bullied by local alderman Matt O'Shea. So why is it that alderman and local government continue to raise taxes and hit the business? Why are they not taken into account?

       The honest feeling I had found among both business owners and residence was fear, and distaste. As I pushed and push not a single business owner would go on record. Why was this you may wonder?  Fear... The current 19th Ward team has used fear for a very long time among it's residence. Some so scared they wouldn't even talk to us.

     Where is the justice in this situation? When will the business owners and residence see their streets cared for and there wants and needs taken care of? That answer I do not have.But what I do know is that things must change in the 19th Ward o Chicago.....

Endorsement notice in the 35th

(PS) We are glad to announce or endorsement for the 35th Ward to Alderman Rey Colon. Ray has worked hard in his community to better the living for each and every resident. As the alderman he has made many great changes, building a stronger and harder working 35th ward. We would like to give him our support in his efforts to be re-elected as the 35th ward alderman!

Endorsement Notice for Mayor Of Chicago

(PS) As a team we have decided to endorse  Jesus "Chuy" Garcia for Chicago's mayor in 2015. With all of his experience working within the community, we are glad to give Mr. Garcia our support. Our team has worked tirelessly researching candidates for this position. The one whom stood out, and truly showed both integrity and quality leadership skill's was Mr. Garcia. We feel under his leadership, Chicago's crime rates would decrease, and economic development would be off to a great start.

Endorsement Notice for the 33rd ward

   (PS)  Deb Mell has been a long time supporter of her residence and an alderwoman for the people since taking her seat. As a State Representative and Alderwoman Mell has continually brought fourth her  constituents true needs taking a stand for the residence in her community. We as a team are glad to announce that we are endorsing Deb, as she will lead the 33rd ward to success and prosperity!

Endorsement for the 19th Ward

(PS)    We are proud to give our endorsement for the 19th Ward to Anne Schaible. She is a qualified candidate, whom is not attached to the big issues. As a candidate she is the perfect mix. With no ties to the Chicago Machine and being in the race truly for the people she is perfect for bettering the community. With goal's of growing the local economy by shifting some developmental processes, we feel Anne can and will make a real difference!


                                                            Find out more about Anne:

Joliet's mayors race

       The Joliet Mayors race has gone quiet. We have not heard a peep from the candidates since filing day. There is currently no leading candidate in the race as we wiz through January. Not much i being seen from any of the candidates up for election. All three have seemingly decided it is time to hibernate. It seems a bit late in the season to be shut down and not making moves, but that's exactly what were seeing. The front runner Bob O'Dekirk even breaking over January. It is currently assumed the O'Dekirk campaign will be the first to come out booming this month. We are anticipating a surprise from them later on in the month.


A bit from Alderman Joe Hayden

                 As I run for Re-election as Alderman of Ward - 5, I will not only push the crime issue, TIF Reform and and Housing Court; but, seek that we create Belleville Neighborhood Improvement Program (BNIP) to help those in the core of the City get low interest loans to fix up their houses as they remain dedicated to our community and not putting up a "For Sale" sign. We also need to enhance our Belleville Business Assistance Program (BBAP) whereas businesses can get the same type of low interest loans to bring the buildings that are vacant along Main Street (East and West) up to code so they can even rent them or sell to a viable business. 

              Instead of giving TIF to big business, put funds in an escrow account, to serve as a means to help these people secure low interest loans by the City working with the local banks, stimulate our local economy and our banks and have us all working hand in hand together to better our community. These steps along with the streets-capes programs and improving more neighborhood roads is how we invigorate the City, raise property values and keep our assessed valuation high so our property taxes actually go lower. 

           The above actions combined with making the city safer and ending the negative perception of crime will bring our great City to an even more vibrant fruition. I will be working with other Independents that share this position and together with the voters, taxpayers, residents, and business community we WILL make Belleville a place of destination to live and shop.

Bob O'Dekirk calls for cooperation with the Rialto

Joliet- Joliet City Councilman and Mayoral candidate Bob O'Dekirk is calling for increased cooperation between the Rialto Theater board and groups who have vocally opposed the proposed marquee.
"In all of the meetings I have attended I saw that both sides of the issue seemed to share one thing in common-a real love for the Rialto Theater,” explained O’Dekirk.
O'Dekirk said that he has been dismayed at criticism leveled at both Ed Czerkies, who donated money to cover the cost of the marquee project, and various community members who opposed the new marquee.
"I really don't think anyone did anything wrong here. I think Mr. Czerkies showed tremendous benevolence in considering giving $350,000 to the Rialto Theater,” said O’DeKirk, “at the same time, citizens of Joliet opposed to the marquee have the right to voice their opinions and ask for transparency from their government."
O'Dekirk voiced hope that something positive can come from the weeks of controversy which have surrounded this issue. Recent developments have left the marquee project without funding.
"The opponents of the proposed marquee have said repeatedly that they believe they could raise money to offset what was pledged,” he said, “I would like to give them the opportunity to do so. Let's bring these individuals into the tent and work with them to achieve something everyone can agree on."
O'Dekirk suggested first step would be for Mayor Tom Giarrante to reconsider his rejection of local resident Mary Beth Gannon, who applied to be appointed to a vacant position on the board. O’Dekirk described Gannon’s credentials as impressive and well-suited to the position
“She has shown a passion and love for the theater, and is asking to be part of the governing process,” said O’Dekirk, “It is sad, but not surprising, that Mayor Giarrante chose to reject her application. This is an opportunity to show leadership and bring the community together. I call on the Mayor to put politics aside, for once, and do the right thing for our community."
Additionally, O'Dekirk pledged to follow up on claims that local businesses were kept out of the bidding process to build the proposed sign.
"The Rialto Theater receives hundreds of thousands of dollars from Joliet taxpayers every year. The Theater should do all it can to insure that this money is reinvested in our community. If these claims are true, the council needs to take action."

Chicago Mayors race down to 5

The race for Chicago's mayor is heating up, candidate Willie Wilson's sails finally loosing wind. The race is almost to a thirty day count down. As the candidates prep for the final stretch, were left to wonder if  Rahm can be beat? Bob Fioretti is gaining traction as well as Chewy Garcia, but will it be enough to gain them a win? The races is heating up with campaign funds booming in attempting to seal a win. Willie Wilson showing $1,166,452, Rahm Emanuel's showing $8,694,508 , Bob Fioretti showing $439,934, Chewy Garcia with over $1,000,000 and Dock Walls with $25,000. This race could get ugly by the end, and we could see some hard plays by a few candidate in the race. The true challenge for Rahm Emanuel seeming to be Chewy Garcia.

          These 5 will battle it out for the February 24th election. The mayor having had high public popularity last election, does not have an Obama initiative behind him this year. With this election being a rough on anything can happen. "We may or may not have a new Mayor come February" Chicago south side resident Andy Shetlzen. "We can expect to see a real race".  So it shall candidates and incumbent alike taking to social media, media, and TV with add's and campaign moves.

     We will defiantly see what these candidates have under their sleeves for this election season!  We can expect dirty shots, and many candidates falling short of the necessary votes. But the winner is yet to be determined, and nothing can be counted out at this point!

33rd Ward Race is on

Deb Mell - 33rd Ward Alderman
  (PS) Chicago alderwoman Deb Mell took her fathers seat as Alderwoman on July, 24th 2013. She succeeded her father and famed Chicago alderman Richard " Dick" Mell. Now in 2015 she is in the midst of a run for her seat. With Tim Meegan and Annisa Want up against her. This election will defiantly be interesting! With current poll's stating that Deb Mell is not a corrupt politician, and her public approval poll's so high, Deb should have little to no issues retaining her seat.

           Deb has been a long time supporter of same sex marriage and her constituents as well. She is best known for her hard work and great ethics in Springfield as the Representative of the 40th district. She fought hard to gain citizens the right to a cost of living minimum wage raise, and to ensure we were entitled to know the side effects of the durgs our doctors prescribe us. She has fought vigorous fights for the people of the 40 district and now the citizens of the 33rd ward.

          Deb Mell is by far one of the best politicians to ever work in Illinois. From honest voting, to real hands on work in her community, Deb takes her position seriously, and practices what she preaches. As the election cycle moves forward her opponents face and impossible battle.

Interview with Susan Sandoval candidate for Chicago's 35th Ward

What would you do to better the ward if elected alderwoman?

I have already started working with community leaders.I feel we need a tighter community, and that we should focus in on education, and jobs. We do not have a high school, and could use a way to make this possible. I also feel we need to build a chamber of commerce, building a tighter network of business would result in a a more fluent local economy.

How do citizens get in contact with you?

Twitter and facebook. I am also always available within the community as well!

What street related issues do you feel can be impacted this election cycle?

Parking meter situation, and meters. We all know the city can be expensive, and there are better ways to deal with these issues.

How do you plan to work with the business in your area?

 I plan to work closer with small business owners.  I recently attended the metropolitan council meeting and almost everywhere there seems to be need for changes. While attending the meeting I  loved hearing from residence,I also feel if we work on the affordability of living in the city, we can in turn help grow the local economy.

What is your educational  background?

 I have worked in Non profit management most of my adult life. I  studied accounting at DePaul University and worked in non profit for years and also worked in a family owned business. I have also been engaged with local and national issues.

I served nationally for the head-start association for 5 years. I had an opportunity to engage my constituents within the city and state! I made sure to maximized the use of the programs within their budgets . 

How do you feel you can help put a stop to the violence in the city of Chicago?

About 4 years ago I began working with an interfaith coalition, I feel that working tirelessly with the community and pre-existing organizations,we can implement and carry out clearer and better plans to cease the violence in our community. 

Where do you stand on the city's budget?

I had fiduciary over look over one of the city's grants, I feel some of the tiff funds be re allocated into the school systems. I feel we need to bridge the gap between schools and park boards. As well as the fair amount of non profit efforts on tiff funding, and use of public land and creating more green spaces for folks as well as finding affordable opportunity for family's to enjoy city and it.

What other public positions have you held?

I served on park advisory council, and many other council, I worked with over 17,000 children whom received head start and I oversaw  all needs and grants. 

What opportunity do you see if elected alderwoman?

A lot of opportunity to cause change, betterment over the city over all. Usher in an era of new public service. Our community is well past due for a real leader. 

What have been your campaigning struggle?

We have a very embedded electoral system and that the system over protects incumbents. I first noticed this when serving on the local school council. If elected I plan to insure were instituting a transparent system, I was raised on the South East side my father is a retired still worker of 46 years. I had the opportunity to see the world. Now as a single mother i have seen and lived through hard times.  I feel we have an uphill battle but spending time and energy where you live is essential. 

Spending the time and having a hard skill set are necessary, and having a transparency in the office is a massive need in the city! I would be blessed and honored to serve in the ward, and add more engaging and transparency. Certified grant writer so I do understand the fiscal responsibility.

Important fact that should be known?

Being a single parent and having the understanding of limited resources and the willingness a citizen of the entire city, and track record speaks for it's self, and the willingness to sit with constituents and create organizations. Were hoping to bring the alder-manic office into a community center. Background in work force development, and community development into the city. Making sure we have the business cared for while providing jobs to citizens. Also being familiar with what our office does. writer, certified grant writer and fiscal responsibility just hope to make the 35th ward a better place to live in. all age demographics and hoping to build the network and better the community and an understanding of where their tax dollars are.

7th ward

       Chicago's 7th ward is up in smoke today. With over 11 candidates on the ballot. we have seen election after election candidates from all over the ward pop up. Usually the 7th,8th and 9th are crazy. With that many people in the race it becomes bot vicious and hard to handle. Challenges are finishing up with 7 weeks left in the race there is a lot of room left to push and drive for votes, but maybe one to many people? Chicago's 7th ward has heated up over the past 12 months and candidates now have to show what they are capable of doing.

      We have multiple people from different walks of life and age ranges running for office. With Gregory Mitchell running for the second run in a row, and quite a few others this race should be one of the hardest in the city.

Mayors Race Heating UP

                   Mayors Race Heating UP

Willie Wilson
Bob Fioretti
Were left wondering if 2015 will bring Chicago a new more hard working mayor, of if we will re elect the current mayor. There are a slew of candidates in the race this year. From Chewy Garcia, Rahm, Collins, Wilson, and Walls. The vote is expected to be split pretty evenly. With Auroras Matt Harrington involved with Dock Walls that will surely tamper with his vote totals. As Willie Wilson is showing as a strong hold for the African American voters. With his wisdom and success under his belt, thus far in the race he is expected to pull 33% of the African American vote.

Chewy Garcia 
Fredrick Collins 
Chewy Garcia seems to be attempting to sway the African American vote. Pulling on some prior Rahm supporters, trying to use that as a base to get himself elected as Mayor. Though his tactics may work in his world, this is not a sure fire win for him, but instead a very off cycle up hill battle. He is not being looked at as a winning candidate at this point.

Rahm Emanuel 
 Rahm is expected to win this election but only by a small

margin thus far. After a sketchy term, and last minute failed attempts to boost his own reputation, Rahm is falling behind in his election moves. His campaign barley even off to a start. Fredrick Collins a Chicago police officer has yet to show his hand as well and could easily rake in quite a few votes within the city limits as well.   Alderman Robert " Bob" Fioretti is also expected to make some splash, taking a good chunck of Rahms votes as well. So with the election up in the air we need to see something from the Mayor if he hopes to rake in enough votes to be re-elected!

     Watch out Rahm, get up or get off the pot. Chicago is on it's way to new powers if the mayors campaign does not get up or start moving soon!

Chuks Onyezia official endorsement

                                           Official Endorsement 

      Chuks Onyezia a candidate for alderman in the 18th ward in Chicago is more than qualified for the job.  With three degrees and a mind for the community, we would like to announce our endorsement of Chuks Onyezia for alderman of the 18th ward in Chicago. With years of experience and roots to the community, Chuks can bring a shift that the 18th Ward has been looking for, for years. New leadership and a solid structure for the community!


                                                              Chuks Onyezia Bio:

 Chuks Onyezia is a candidate for alderman in the 18th ward. Chuks was born and raised in Chicago having a mother who is a director of a Chicago based nursing home, a father that works as an environmentalist for the state of Illinois, and two younger sisters that work as a psychologist and a CPS high school teacher, respectively. This is why Chuks Onyezia understands the challenges facing the City of Chicago and its residents, and is why he is committed to his calling to serve others. Chuks is Married and has welcomed his first child into the world this past October. As alderman, Chuks Onyezia will fight for money to increase the number of sworn officers and police presence, create jobs with increased economic development in the city, and improve the fiscal and financial responsibility in the city’s use of assets and tax dollars. Most importantly, Chuks will fight for our youth to have more of the opportunities that he had while growing up.
Currently, Mr. Onyezia is employed as an Attorney in the area of Business Real-estate, where he gains specialized experience directly dealing with statutory interpretation of finance, real-estate transactions, banking, tax, investments, municipal bond, and credit. In addition to this position, Chuks Onyezia held a Career Development Detail position as a training assistant with the Patent Training Academy where he gained specialized experience directed to technical, legal, and patent examining practice and procedure training, management as well as issue spotting and quality review. Chuks also is a proud dues paying Union where he actively assists his union in the development of a new telecommuting program.
Chuks Onyezia has earned degrees in both, The University of Illinois' MBA Program with concentrations in Finance and The University of Illinois' College of Law. As for professional recognition and licensure, Chuks Onyezia holds an active license to practice law in the State of Illinois with active bar membership in good standing. In addition to these accomplishments, Chuks Onyezia’s technical background consists of a Bachelors of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Mathematics from The University of Illinois, followed by work experience as a quality control engineer for one of the worlds leading aerospace technology manufacturing company. Chuks Onyezia has past experience working at Illinois’ Civil Litigation Clinic, and Public Defender's Office where he attained real courtroom litigation experience. In addition, to his legal experience, Chuks Onyezia has experience as an educator teaching High School physics, a research assistant, a graduate councilor, and an academic advisor. Chuks Onyezia also plays key roles in his community. Chuks has drafted proposals and is responsible for over $5000 in grant monies being assigned to his community and personally worked with the Cook County Clerk of Courts Office introducing the career of law to inspiring teenagers and assisting ex offenders clear there criminal records. Chuks served as the Co-chair of the capital improvement committee of his Local Park Advisory Council, Active participant in CAPS, business and finance steering committee member of the Black and Latino Achievers Program, coach of the City youth and Government Program, Executive Vice President of the Illinois MBA's of Color Association, executive board member of the Black Law Students Association, and Vice-President of the Intellectual Property Legal Society. Chuks currently serves as member of Scottsdale Homeowner Association, Omega Psi Phi Community service co-chair Rho Mu Mu Chapter, and Founder and Publisher of The Neighbor, a community based newspaper that is distributed monthly to over 13,000 homes and businesses in the Ashburn community.
Chuks Onyezia’s diverse background, both educational and Professional, his leadership qualities, communication skills, and inner drive to succeed, all add to the potential productivity that he can bring to any environment, and will allow Chuks Onyezia to make major contributions immediately, as your next Alderman! 

Who is Dick Mell

                                 Who is Dick Mell 

Richard "Dick" Mell 
 Richard "Dick" Mell was a long time Chicago alderman, and a political hero to many. Richard was born in Muskegon Michigan in 1938, and lived there through his childhood. As he grew older he and his wife settled down in Chicago, and Dick opened a spring factory. It was not until 1972 that Richard got himself into politics. Loosing his first run for Democratic committeeman by 500 votes.  From there he worked within the community and built himself into a successful run for alderman in 1975. Taking his seat as the alderman of the 33rd ward.

        Richard went on to hold the seat for 38 years, or 9 terms. As alderman he saw his fair share of Mayors, and political machines. Dick whom is a very well articulated individual told me recently in conversation that he enjoyed his time working within his ward, and that he had worked hard over the years.

       At one point in his early years he had quit his job, Margie his then fiance had dropped his his engagement ring back in his hand and split up with him.  They went on to have three children. Deb Mell, Patricia, and Richard.

    Richard went on to control the 33rd ward for more than 38 years, pushing fourth many laws, and regulations as an alderman, to help better the Chicago community in a whole. With a legacy that will be remembered for many years, and a family whom has worked hard over the past 40 years his name and history will live on forever!