38th Ward candidate in car accident

           Alder-manic candidate hurt in car accident                  
                    (PS)  A police officer whom is currently in the race for alderman in the 38th ward hurt in accident Saturday.  Mike Keeney a candidate against incumbent Tim Cullerton was involved in a crash Saturday responding to an emergency call. The two officers were traveling East bound on Irving Park Rd, Saturday when they were struck by a Sedan traveling South bound. Although not seriously injured, Keeney was undergoing observation and testing.

     The other officer may have to under go surgery due to injury's acquired from the accident. All are expected to make a full recovery. Police issued the driver a ticket for failure to yield  to an emergency vehicle. Keeney is expected to return to the campaign trail soon.

Rahm Emanuel pushes fourth minimum wage raise

     Rahm Emanuel pushes fourth minimum wage raise 

Rahm Emanuel
         (PS)   Chicago become's the most recent  U.S. city to raise its minimum wage.  As elections near this seems only yet another ploy by the Emanuel camp to keep him seated for yet another term. The current  Mayor Rahm Emanuel has decided to fast-track a very politically savoy plan to reach $13 per hour amid his bid for a second term. The critics still rave he is out of touch with the working class citizens. 

                 A Chicago City Council committee voted late Monday to advance the plan. The plan expected to gain full council approval Tuesday. Thus beating the state to a decision, grandfathering the raise into law. 
               The mayor moved the meeting up from Dec. 10 due to concerns that the  current Illinois Legislature would bend over to business and specialty groups and pass a bill this week that would prevent cities from setting their wage higher than the state minimum. Chicago currently has the same minimum wage as the state does, at $8.25 per hour. The General Assembly is considering raising Illinois' wage to $11 by 2017.This coming after the Chicago initiative began. 
"Throughout my life I have believed that if you work no child should be raised in poverty," Emanuel said then. "Work should pay. People need a pay raise."
                Coming in just 53 day's before the next Chicago election, it can only seem this measure is passing as yet another way to drive in voters for the February election. With this being stated we are left to wonder if the mayor really cares for the people, or if this is yet again another way to win an election. 

Joliet Candidates file and are ready to roll

        Joliet seems to be lighting up with candidates this year with candidates filed for each of the 5 districts, as well as three for mayor. The current mayor Tom Giarrante, Bob O'dekirk, and Andy Mihelich. Each candidate carrying their own roots to the city and credentials to follow.  This race should be a close one. As the season carry's on we will continue to report updates and changes to this race!

                                                                           District 1

Larry E. Hug (Incumbent)
Terry Cottrell 

District 2

 Brett Gould 
Patrick Mudron

District 3

 John Gerl 
Ray Polikaitis

District 4

Bettye Gavin ( Appointed Incumbent)
James Foster
Phillip Petrakos
Angel Guzman

District 5

Terry Morris
Leonard Thompson Jr. 

Willie Wilson Beats Rahm Emanuel at his own game

  Willie Wilson Beats Rahm Emanuel at his own game 

BY: Brandon Harris

Dr. Willie Wilson
(PS)  The Chicago Mayors race is heating up, with a lot of stir. Willie Wilson a first time candidate has came out batting. With over 55,000 signatures the current mayor Rahm Emanuel has started a a bee's nest un-fire. Rahm challenged Willie Wilson asking for him to be removed from the ballot and for 40,000 of his signatures to be rejected. Wilson's team replied with a subpoena for the mayor himself. Wilson a face of strength and courage has made his bid for mayor with progress and change in his mind did not back down.

            As the holidays came to an end so did Rahm's challenges for Dr. Wilson, whom is now listed as a candidate on the ballot for February. With 590,357 votes cast last mayoral election, Dr. Wilson does have a challenge, but may very well rake in a win. If anyone could rebuild Chicago it would be doctor Wilson. A man once penniless now a very successful business man on the rise. For years Dr. Wilson worked hard and showed signs of leadership and honesty as he built his business network. Now he hopes to take those efforts to the mayors office in Chicago.

         Current City mayor Rahm Emanuel has a lot on his hands over the next fifty two day's. Although it seems Dr. Wilson has already won the first battle keeping himself on the ballot and his campaign staff aimed at a reachable goal.

Chicago Mayors race challenges

                         Chicago Mayors race challenges 

         Challenges were filed in Chicago began this week and multiple candidates are being challenged including Dock Walls, and Gerald Sconyer's. Sconyers whom will possibly stepping out of the race this afternoon, had thanked volunteer's and pondered future plans. Chicago police officer Fredrick Collins stated " These are just shot gun challenges, we will overcome them". The issues began coming out today at 9 am. Coming in the next few day's.

             This year there are over 10 candidates all of whom are looking to run to be the next   mayor of Chicago. Among the front runners are Rahm Emanual, Fredrick Collins, and Chewy Garcia. As the year rolls on we will stay tuned into the race.

SEIU clashes with protesters

                              SEIU clashes with protesters 

        Illinois SEIU workers are at it once again. With the recently ended Harris Vs. Quinn case in which the union lost. SEIU is down and hurting loosing over $20 Million in union dues. Today as the state mandated training for in home health care providers, the unions were present and ready. The motley crew of SEIU members were present and loud.

      As conservative volunteers passed out literature and  made statements asking workers to know their rights to not join a Union, SEIU members fought back. With loud voices and a goal to out word their opponents they began to sound repetitive. "We got you a raise" Shouted Union members, as the conservatives said " Know your rights, don't feel pressured". The two teams went through these motions for most of the day, each training session both speaking on their views. These two teams going head to head for different causes.