Editorial: Illinois Democrats, force Michael Madigan's hand

It’s proper that House Speaker Michael Madigan acknowledges his failure to be a leader in the fight against sexual harassment and bullying in Illinois government and politics. It’s also stunning, given his clenched grip on power and his reluctance to take responsibility for the state of this state. We can’t remember the last time Madigan publicly displayed such humility.
“Everyone has a right to work without fear of harassment, abuse or retaliation. We haven’t done enough. I take responsibility,” he told his Democratic Party minions.
What comes next?
Whenever a leader in crisis pledges to “do better,” that promise comes with an implicit plea for support: Please, trust me to fix this problem. Or have I squandered my credibility?

Assessing Madigan’s vulnerability is difficult because he’s such a dominant figure. This is his 48th year in the General Assembly, his 34th year as speaker, his 20th year as chair of the Illinois Democratic Party. How many times has he even faced a serious challenge to his authority? A long line of governors from both major parties thought about taking him on, and a few made meager attempts. Then they caved. The current governor, Republican Bruce Rauner, is the first ever to mount a sustained resistance to Madigan.
Now we are witnessing a political uprising against Madigan by a force he cannot ignore and may not outmaneuver: Female Democratic politicians — at first disappointingly, almost deafeningly quiet — have begun telling Madigan his promises to change the culture in Illinois aren’t enough. State Rep. Kelly Cassidy of Chicago wants an independent investigation of Madigan's organizations to “rip the Band-Aid off” mistreatment. So does state Sen. Melinda Bush of Grayslake. Other Democrats, some in the thick of the primary campaign, are chiming in. Candidate for governor Chris Kennedy wants Madigan to resign as party chairman. So does Marie Newman, running for Congress against Madigan ally Rep. Dan Lipinski.
Madigan invited this fragging. He has no credibility on this issue. When the #MeToo anti-harassment movement gripped Illinois in the fall, he pushed the General Assembly to pass legislation meant to curb predatory behavior in government. It was an act. At the same time he was promoting respect, safety and equality, he learned that one of his political aides, Kevin Quinn, allegedly had been harassing a campaign worker. Yet instead of firing Quinn, Madigan asked his lawyer to investigate and sat on the findings — until the Tribune was about to report on the matter. Then he fired Quinn.
Days later, Madigan cut ties with a second confidante, identified in news reports as lobbyist and high-ranking Madigan campaign staffer Shaw Decremer. Madigan chose to describe the deposed aide as a “volunteer,” as if Decremer were some anonymous figure distributing leaflets on the Southwest Side.

Madigan won’t give up control without a fight. He appeared to acquiesce Monday to calls for an independent investigation, but then said his own designated outside attorney would “assist.” That's not independent. And it fools no one.
Don’t look to Madigan to be an agent of change. His obsession is power politics. If only we’d also heard him say he must “do better” to balance the state budget, to solve the public pension crisis he helped create, to help employers and make Illinois a magnet for jobs.
No, Madigan is an effective advocate only for his own interests. We’ve called repeatedly for him and his Springfield partner, Chicago Democrat and Senate President John Cullerton, to step out of leadership. Like former Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno, they should make way for fresh talent.
It’s on other Illinois Democrats — his caucus members, other officeholders but also voters — to force Madigan's hand. At minimum here must be an independent investigation of his legislative offices and political operations to detail precisely how he handled allegations of harassment and bullying. Beyond that, Democrats have to decide whether, for the good and reputation of their party and the legislature, Madigan should shed some of his titles.
Short of that thorough investigation by an expert with zero ties to the Illinois political class, though, the results will be tainted and the message clear: In Illinois, the powerful are free to protect their own.