A/C and Furnace giveaway in New Lenox from start to finish!

   For weeks the teams prepared and worked to build a proper event. From flyers to tickets As the summer was well under way the team at RCM Heating & Cooling and the team at York by Johnson Controls worked avidly to set up a free furnace and air conditioner giveaway! As they worked to get this event put together a local event was coming up. Proud American Days in New Lenox was nearing. The two hardworking and focused crews thought, what a better way to do a giveaway than to raffle off a free furnace and A/C to a local veteran.
    For weeks the teams prepared and worked to build a proper event. From flyers to tickets and much more! The teams worked for about 6 weeks to ensure they had the bases and the event came along well. As the day came to pull the winner you could smell the cone cakes, and curly fries as Bill and the team headed to pull the winner.
   Bill took the stage and gave a speech to the crowd about veterans. Through his speech, he thanked the veterans for their service and talked about how honored RCM and York by Johnson Controls where to donate a unit to a veteran. Then came the fun of getting to pick a winner! As the winner was picked, much to our surprise out came….. Wade Krohn. As Bill called his name and Wade made his way to accepting the winning ticket and that is just where the story begins!
Who our winner turned out to be and why it touched us so deeply.
   Wade Krohn a father and grandfather was a WWII veteran who served our country in a great time of need. After that, he served as at the New Lenox fire department for many years in New Lenox!  So not only did we get a great local Vet, but a public servant as well! We were very honored to provide such a great gift to such an amazing person!

Installation Day
   On installation day we made it out to Wade Krohn’s home early. With his brand new furnace and A/C provided by York of Johnson Controls, we were ready to go. Our team spent the entire day with Wade getting to learn who he was as a person, and getting the opportunity to provide Wade with an amazing new system for FREE! Bill Ward the owner of RCM  Heating and Cooling stated “ Helping a veteran who fought for our nation is a great honor, as a whole RCM and York by Johnson Controls are equally proud here today! After a long full day, the system had been put in and the test was done! Congratulations Wade!

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