Bernie sanders kicked off stage by protestors

         (PS) Black lives matter activist booted candidate Bernie Sanders off the stage at a rally in Seattle, WA yesterday. It is sad that the activist did not do their home work first. If they had they would have been giving Bernie a hi five and letting the man say his piece. Bernie Sanders was arrested for a sit in against seregation on campus. Later in 1963 he participated in a march on Washington for jobs and freedom. Bernie has been a civil rights activistr since years before the other activist whom shut down his event were born. Its a good thing to fight for rights, it another thing to fight a guy who is already a player in your court. I hope the ignorance of these protesters is noted as they go ahead and continue to fight a just cause, they need to fight the right people.

       There is a need for Black lives matter, they are working twoards a good goal. I feel that if they did there homework before attacking the first guy avaliable though they would win a much more sucessful battle. We as peopel have delt with hate for thousands of years. Here in America, yes the black community has delt with it for a long time. As a nation and a people we can all use to work twoards equality in a whole!