Congress sends NSA bill to president

   Congress sends bill to president curbing the NSA phone surveillance program. Since Edward Snowden a government contractor made the top secret program public there have been growing concerns. Finally the American people have been heard.  Congress has sent the bill to the president requesting the phone company's hold the information and this can only be turned over with a warrant. This is a step in the right direction for our very worried nation. Since the information was released two years ago the trust between other nations and ours have been lost as well as our trust for our own government.

     America a nation built on freedom has been in a 30 year cycle of loosing more and more freedom, so anything that can help our citizens at this point is a huge plus. The vote today was 67 - 32. The house has already passed the bill and the president Barack Obama plans to sign the bill quickly. For any American this is a good sign that our government is finally realizing they have been overstepping lines for far too long.