Michael Urban info

Michael Urban is a candidate up for election, running in the cook county commissioner seat this year against Tim Schneider. As a first time candidate our initial thought was he must have some sort of connection to big Chicago politics. This is not the case. Mr. Urban is a person all on his own in this race, having quit his day job to do a good job running a campaign.  Stating " I had a choice, work and try to make a difference, or go all out". Michael, a lifetime Cook County resident, has taken this run seriously. Clearing his time and schedule to get the job done right the first time.

   Unlike many elected officials, he has stepped back a few notches, and even answers his own phone calls. This being a huge difference from most politicians in general, let alone a Cook County Commissioner candidate!

His history in Cook County as deep rooted as his agenda. Michael wishes to make a positive impact on his County, hoping to shift some of the community's needs.

Check Him out on facebook:

Shaking up Illinois?

     As the political season Moves forward, we are left to wonder what will happen this year. With Govonor Pat Quinn behind in the poll's and Republican Bruce Rauner in the lead, how will this year play out? Candidates all over the state are in uproar with a season not seen in Illinois in years. Republicans declaring an early victory, and Democratic candidates left out to dry by their own party? What is going on in Illinois? A Democratic state from the get go is lacking Democratic support? The Republicans looking to have their first gubernatorial race won in years?This year could be an upset for a few long term politicians whom are in control now.

Bob O'derkirk walks in the spanish parade

  Joliet City Councilman Bob O'derkirk walks in the Joliet Spanish parade, but not campaigning to be a councilman. Bob is running to be the next mayor of Joliet, IL. Bob a strong independent man, with high hopes came out on Saturday the 6th, 2014. While out walking he received many smiles and hand shakes, the current mayor Thomas Giarrante no where to be found. This can only leave one wondering where the city's mayor could be? While Bob was out making the community a better place, meeting and greeting his community, Tom was lost in a game of golf somewhere.  Sad to see our own mayor again could not show up with out cameras and spotlight, but what more could we expect from the old guard of Joliet?

    With high hopes for Bob, our staff watched as the entire parade passed, Bob being a candidate whom could not only re build Joliet, but possibly bring it back to life. After the loss of long time Mayor Art Schultz, Joliet is in need of real leadership. We will keep our eyes on the following months as other candidates start to announce their hopes to run as well.