Sheriff's Candidate to Send Out his HIT - men

Sheriff's Candidate to Send Out his HIT-men
Lt. Steve Egan Proposes Will County Heroin Interdiction Team-The HIT squad.

Joliet-"The drug traffickers and dealers have been preying on Will County residents and their children for far too long, “declared Lt. Steve Egan, " it's time we hit them, hit them hard and hit them where it hurts!"

Egan unveiled an aggressive three-pronged program that will attack the flow of heroin and other drugs, punish those who are victimizing our communities while assisting and supporting the families that have been devastated by the actions of these predators.  Egan's proposed Will County Heroin Interdiction Team (HIT) will be organized and managed by the Sheriff's Office and will include county and local police officers as part of what he calls his "HIT squad."

"The officers who join my unit will be my HIT-men, "Egan explained, "and we will aggressively and proactively attack the flow and distribution of heroin and other drugs throughout Will County."

The program proposes a comprehensive, multi-jurisdictional investigation team that will seek out traffickers and dealers.  Based on the investigations the HIT Squad will arrest those bringing drugs into Will County as well as those selling those drugs in our communities.  Egan explained that the unit can be "self-funded" through asset seizures that result from this program.

"Interstates I-55 and I-80 are the commercial crossroads of America," said Egan, "but unfortunately they are also the crossroads of America for the heroin and drug trade.  We will focus heavily in this corridor to stem the flow of these illicit drugs."

The third part of the program is intervention and support according to Egan.  He explained that as Sheriff, through his office, he will organize a referral network of existing public and private social service agencies to intervene to help those victimized by this epidemic.

"The young people who are targeted by the drug dealers will need help putting their lives back together and on track,” explained Egan, "as will their families.  The heroin and drug epidemic can destroy entire families and we need to help them rebuild."

Egan also mentioned that an aggressive education campaign is necessary and he will work with schools and community organizations to reach out to Will County's children through community outreach programs established by the Sheriff's Office.  Egan said his program can go hand-in-hand with Will County State’s Attorney Jim Glasgow’s already successful Heroin Education Leads to Preventative Solutions (HELPS) program and his Will County Drug Court.

LT. Steve Egan says residents have been ignored for far to long

East Meets West In Will County-Finally
Lt. Steve Egan Says County Residents Ignored For Far Too Long

Crete-Monee- Democratic Sheriff’s candidate Lt. Steve Egan has unveiled a plan to finally give the residents of the eastern portion of Will County the services they deserve; the same services the rest of Will County has enjoyed all along. 

"There is no Eastern Will County, just Will County,” said Lt. Egan, “and the good citizens of the eastern portion of Will County have been ignored for far too long.”

Lt. Egan’s plan is to transform a currently underutilized Sheriff’s building in Crete-Monee into a second, full service Sheriff’s Office.  This facility will offer a full slate of services to the residents of that area.

“This building still looks virtually brand new after its costly remodeling several years ago,” noted Lt. Egan, “yet it only serves as a temporary holding cell manned by two Will County Corrections Officers and only for one third of the day.”

Retiring Will County Sheriff Paul Kaupas had this facility remodeled and expanded several years ago using drug seizure money.  While it has the potential to house a full slate of services for the residents this promise has never been realized.  Currently, all Sheriff’s personnel serving the eastern portion of Will County work out of the downtown Joliet office or the west side Laraway Road facility.  Lt. Egan maintains this arrangement underserves the residents while wasting time and resources for the Sheriff’s Department.

“It makes no sense to require personnel to drive almost an hour each way,” argues Lt. Egan, “This wastes valuable time they can spend serving the residents and unknown amounts of money for the fuel to travel so unnecessarily.”

Currently the facility serves as a temporary holding facility for subjects arrested nearby and only between the hours of 8:00 pm and 4:00 am.  Lt. Egan would use the ample office space to reassign deputies, detectives, CSI investigators, clerks and other personnel to the facility to better serve the area residents.  In short, Sheriff’s Department personnel who currently serve on the eastern portion of Will County would actually be located where they work.

“In phases we would make this a second Sheriff’s headquarters that can function twenty-four hours a day,” said Lt. Egan, “and we would save money and better serve those residents by doing this.”